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bonegravy t1_j268f6l wrote

Yeh just got the letter they taxing me 43k higher

Edit - I'm an idiot ya'll, meant to say they assessing me 43k higher. 25% increase. Lmao at 43k tax bill fuck off


KingKnowles t1_j26r87z wrote

I got home from Christmas to a letter telling me my taxable home value had doubled! Merry Christmas to me haha


m_wriston t1_j26xrlo wrote

Do you have the homestead tax credit? Our tax assessment went up $50K, but the homestead credit capped our taxable home value to only $15K higher than its current value. Really made a huge difference.


pnrgi t1_j26y848 wrote

43k? I don’t believe you. I live in 12k a year tax house, and that’s completely insane.


ABCosmos t1_j277avx wrote

I assume he means the appraisal is 43k higher and taxed based on that.


danhalka t1_j26zxr3 wrote

I wonder whether their system will be able to handle the volume of appeals.