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S-Kunst t1_j2dqqed wrote

Don't forget lower SW BalCo. Arbutus is below Catonsville, has several neighborhoods of differing socioeconomic levels from working class to middle class. Its an area which was part of the new suburbs in 1910-1920, Haelthorpe is post WWII single family subirban. St Denis is an interesting late Victorian village.

Elkridge might be inserted here, though I think it may be more Howard County.

Going farther south is Landsdowne and English Counsel. Similar to Dundalk & Essex, working class whites, but not as big an area nor has the large amount of tacky commercial.

I almost forgot Paradise. This is along Frederick Ave inside the Beltway, often glomed in with Old Catonsville. It is a real mix of working class, middle class, mostly pre WWII housing, but in fairly good condition.

Oddly the north central part of the county is bucolic horse country. Large amounts of that area were put out of the reach of developers (yes several developers have/had their estates in this area) Most of the land is kept to multi acre plots so the wealthy can live like English royalty.

Having worked in the County for years, though a transplant from MoCo, I think what struck me as odd, when I moved to the area, was how much bile county people have against the city. The city that many of the families of those angry people fled in the post war years.