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instantcoffee69 t1_iz0h2dr wrote

> The ideal practice, said Balcom, would be cutting down on the fees associated with spaying, neutering and vaccinating cats to expedite and incentivize more TNR adoption. As it stands, a spay and neuter procedure could cost as much as $500 per feline in a private practice, she said.

Yea, the common sense answer is "make what we want people to do easy and cheap", but as a society we constantly done, so don't bet it will change here.

This may be more of a county this, but I don't see a ton of wild cats in the city. Other cities I've lived in had actually had many more cats.


No_name_Johnson t1_iz1t15w wrote

I think it depends where in the city you are. I'm in Upper Fells and until a year or so ago there was a colony of feral cats in the neighborhood. I still see the occasional stray but I think they moved on.