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Alaira314 t1_j0ac6ux wrote

OP, this isn't just you but I've seen a trend lately, and I'm going to take this moment to call it out. This could have been a text post. All it is is words in a plain font with an emoji. For some reason, you(and many others, lately) chose to make it an image instead. This makes it so that people who browse with screen readers can't appreciate your post. Please consider not doing this, or at least posting a transcript as a comment(I'm not supplying one myself because it's your words, so you should have control over deletion etc which you don't have when I repost them in my own comment without permission).


DirtyPolecat t1_j0blcvo wrote

File it under "vertical videos" and taking photos of a screen instead of screenshots. We can make a book, social media do's and don'ts.