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Mediocre-Week-9010 t1_iz6rxkx wrote

Not scheduled that I know of. The police came to talk to me, apparently they know all the people inside that house very well. They turned the row home into 3 separate sections as appartments. And the smell normally comes from the main floor. Through our dinning room wall. Every time same place sometimes it fills the whole house up with a smell sometimes just the main floor.


TheSyrianItalian t1_iz9dheo wrote

OPRA request calls at that locations from BPD and BFD. If it shows Overdoses etc. you obviously have a crackhouse. A camera might help to put up to see the a activity going in and out. If it’s a lot and it lines up with ODs I would contact BPD narcotics directly, they can set up an investigation into the house.