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louielouayyyyy t1_iz9s92q wrote

You can make that much driving for DoorDash or Instacart without the liability of carrying passengers. But, you’ll probably make more driving Amazon Flex or as a UPS Personal Vehicle Driver

Any Dominos would also instantly hire you and reduce your tax liabilities and paperwork


increasingrain t1_iza8qi2 wrote

UPS Personal Vehicle Driver also pays mileage I believe on top of the hourly wage.


EPIC_FAIL_73 OP t1_izej68r wrote

Yeah unfortunately they're mainly seasonal and that ends in about a month.


Robbiebphoto t1_iz9fjou wrote

Yeah, you can do that. Peak times are 4am-9:30am and 2p thru the evening m-f. Weekends are busy but I rarely drive w/e so don’t have good info on that.


Gr8WallofChinatown t1_iza1rmn wrote

I know this isn't answering your question, but if your mind is set on it (which I don't recommend), sign up for both and also do delivery service.


EPIC_FAIL_73 OP t1_izejdnw wrote

I'm starting with DoorDash and Uber eats to get my feet wet. I have to up my insurance to do rideshare. Plus, no people. I'm an introvert.


Wilmore99 t1_izd1faj wrote

I was in the same boat you are five months ago. You can easily make $600 Thursday-Saturday. 👍

I recommend sticking with Lyft; better reputation, better support, nicer clientele. It also seems to pay more than Uber. With Uber you’re more likely to get constant rides, but the riders are more likely to be assholes because it’s cheaper.

Lyft also has more bonuses such as “complete three rides in (timeframe) get a bonus $9-$21” etc. They also have surge zones where you literally get bonus cash for accepting a ride in that area. Uber does the same thing but not as much lately, it seems more common on Lyft. You also have more tools to drive where/when you want with Lyft as opposed to Uber. If you’re heading to the store you can set a destination and make some money on the way there by doing a couple rides. Uber has something similar but doesn’t work as well, and with less options.

Signing up for both is different. Submitting documents to Lyft can be easily done through your phone’s camera, but Uber will keep denying docs unless you scan them out and submit them via their computer website. You’ll get denied a few times, but just keep submitting. Basically you can drive for Lyft while you wait for Uber to stop fucking about, but they do eventually accept your submitted documents.


Jeditard t1_izbynw5 wrote

I don't want to deal with passengers so I do Door Dash. I make about $20/hr when I drive outside the city. But considering what I pay for gas, it's like $15/hr which is the same as what my job before this paid.


marinas97finn t1_izcci68 wrote

I used to make 25-50+ an hour driving lyft. that was before they did upfront pay. i got a real job. not worth it anymore.


Huge-peace2 t1_izb9fmt wrote

It’s a pretty well documented finding that you net lose money being a rideshare driver. Decreasing value on the car, gas, income tax, wear&tear. Whole gigs a scam unfortunately


smoovgee t1_izbb0rs wrote

You got a new car with no job?

And you want to wear down the depreciating asset quicker?

Sell or trade in the car and get a beater.

Also please learn financial literacy cuz from this post, you're illiterate.


EPIC_FAIL_73 OP t1_izbdiuc wrote

Don't be a dick. It's a 2021 I got last year. And I lost my job.


smoovgee t1_izbe620 wrote

It's impossible for me to be a dick. Literally and physically and metaphorically as well.

I can be. However, an asshole. I am not in this case.

Driving Uber/Lyft to is not a sound financial decision.

>I drive a new Honda Civic

> until I get a new job

Sell it or trade it in. That you think me saying that makes me a "dick" kinda proves that you are not financially literate.

As Biggie said once, "Don't be mad. UPS is hiring."


You got a car note you can't afford. You have a depreciating asset. Putting the miles and wear on it is not a sound financial decision. Sell it.


officialspinster t1_izbrsft wrote

“Dick” is obviously being used in the colloquial way, you don’t need to double down on said dickishness. If you’re unfamiliar with the colloquial usage, I recommend looking it up instead of being a dick about it. You called them financially illiterate. That’s a dick move, whether you have one as part of your anatomy or not.


smoovgee t1_izbssel wrote

He is financially illiterate.

I'm not being a dick cuz I cannot be. As I said, I can be an asshole but I can't be a dick. In any way.

Did I call him dumb or any variation thereof? No.

But maybe I'm wrong. Please anyone explain how someone with a new car and no job who wants to drive uber or lyft makes financial sense. More So then selling or trading it.


officialspinster t1_izbsw5q wrote

There you go, being a dick again.

Edit: before you come at me in a dickish way again, please check out the third definition.


smoovgee t1_izbt68p wrote



Thank you for answering the question.


officialspinster t1_izbtdkg wrote

He bought the car last year. He lost the job this year. Shit happens.


smoovgee t1_izbtiei wrote

Yes it does. Shit happens. In this case, sell the car.


officialspinster t1_izbttjg wrote

Or use the car to keep yourself above water financially while you look for another job. Beaters are notoriously unreliable, and cost a ton in maintenance. That’s not a smart option, either. Just because you would do something differently doesn’t make this person financially illiterate. Nobody asked for your judgement.


smoovgee t1_izburs3 wrote

This isn't AITA. I didn't give judgement.

If it makes financial sense to take a depreciating asset, add unnecessary wear and tear so that it's worth considerably less plus the added costs, if that makes sense to you. I don't know what to say.

Is what it is I guess.

There's other options instead of that. It's holiday season, op can pick up jobs at any retail shop.

They can get with UPS, FED EX, or any of these hundreds of delivery ops with contracts with Amazon.

I find it interesting that your hangup is , "financially illiterate" like I cursed OP lineage or something. Most ppl are not financially literate.

A car is a liability that's generally easy to get rid of. He should sell the car, get what he can and get a older Honda.


officialspinster t1_izbv68i wrote

You’re definitely being judgmental. You’re so stuck on this one possible thing that OP “should” do that you refuse to entertain that it may not be an option for them. Find another suggestion or butt the fuck out, because you’re not helpful, just a dick.


smoovgee t1_izbvon3 wrote

Wtf? Am I supposed to give multiple suggestions? Did you? Others already gave suggestions.

You're disingenuous. Your only complaint is financially illiterate and all this fucking time you still haven't answered the question.

>butt the fuck out


>because you’re not helpful

That's your opinion.

Sell the fucking car. Or keep it. I don't give a shit. Adding unnecessary miles, wear n tear on a new vehicle so you can pay bills is fiscally irresponsible.


officialspinster t1_izbxy8t wrote

I didn’t give any suggestions, because OP wasn’t asking for them and didn’t want them. I respect people.


default_laura t1_izd4g20 wrote

Ma’am, all due respect to your financial chops, but your view is limited.

Not everyone is solely looking at a spreadsheet to calculate their bottom line.

It may be incredibly stupid for OP to try and sell depending on outstanding financing. OP may be in a place where they absolutely require the flexibility that gig work offers, but may be limited by disability from doing the type of delivery that Amazon/UPS/etc requires. It takes maybe 4 days a week max to get $600, and you don’t necessarily put a lot of miles on your car, if you choose your trips wisely.

(OP, don’t forget to record your mileage and expenses for tax time)