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NewrytStarcommander t1_j1u9s3s wrote

Tell her to read the contract she signed. Before signing would have been better, but read it now. It will say what the penalty for breaking the lease is, usually a few months rent to offset the landlord's cost of turning it over. If she just stops paying and moves, the landlord can come after her for the remaining total cost of the lease she signed, likely through the courts if it comes down to that. Unless the "aren't what she was expecting" conditions are code violations or otherwise things that deprive her of use of her apartment she doesn't have much recourse if it's just buyer's remorse. But if it's negligence on the landlord's part- poor maintenance, etc- then document everything, the city has an escrow process for serious maintenance issues, you can find info online on this; or get a lawyer's advice on pursuing it through small claims court.