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sxswnxnw t1_j26dhum wrote

The city is in a bind with jobs like this, because if this job paid closer to what people on this subreddit likely consider to be a fair or livable wage, this would instead be about Baltimore City Corruptionâ„¢ and how they shouldn't pay someone who oversees cars getting towed shit.

The pay is low for me personally... But I have over 20 years of experience in my field and a masters degree. This job appears to be a desk job requiring limited experience and a high school diploma or GED. And if you look at what a lot superintendent makes and what they must do (overseeing all the supervisors and lots, pay topping out at 112k), I see why it is so low.

The benefits aren't that bad either.

The title would look good on a resume.

This is probably a good job or stepping stone for someone. Will that someone live in Locust Point or Roland Park? Nope, unless they are like married to money.


Ok-Beautiful-8403 t1_j27ccbn wrote

sure, decent money for people with no options, to be a class traitor....


sxswnxnw t1_j28ty36 wrote

Whatever. 🙄 If I am low SES, with only a high school education, and I want a desk job and "supervisor" on my resume to possibly be a manager tomorrow, I'm taking that job.