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BrainlessPhD t1_j25q7pc wrote

Oof. Not even $50k to be a supervisor in one of the most loathed industries.... you can make more being a supervisor at panda express.


addctd2badideas t1_j25rsek wrote

Salary is too low for a supervisor. You're not going to get a lot of qualified or appropriate candidates.


dopkick t1_j261zkm wrote

I’ve been on the receiving end of a few contracts or subcontracts that were lowest bid rather than best value. You definitely get what you pay for. Hiring people from HUBZones for rock bottom prices to do technical work sounds like a great idea. Until they have to show up in NYC and there’s no travel budget. So you tell them they have to commute from WV… so they never show up. Fuck you Ron, you had the dumbest idea ever.


baltinerdist t1_j262wog wrote

Gonna have to agree with everyone else here, you're offering crap pay for a job that literally entails getting yelled at by people all day long. There are fast food jobs that pay close to this (and the free food might balance it out).

Good luck getting a decent candidate.


Holy__Schmitz t1_j266knb wrote

Supervisor position that won’t allow you to pay rent… nice


lolanaboo_ t1_j26bpmn wrote

Lmao Isn’t even active to apply to


sxswnxnw t1_j26dhum wrote

The city is in a bind with jobs like this, because if this job paid closer to what people on this subreddit likely consider to be a fair or livable wage, this would instead be about Baltimore City Corruption™ and how they shouldn't pay someone who oversees cars getting towed shit.

The pay is low for me personally... But I have over 20 years of experience in my field and a masters degree. This job appears to be a desk job requiring limited experience and a high school diploma or GED. And if you look at what a lot superintendent makes and what they must do (overseeing all the supervisors and lots, pay topping out at 112k), I see why it is so low.

The benefits aren't that bad either.

The title would look good on a resume.

This is probably a good job or stepping stone for someone. Will that someone live in Locust Point or Roland Park? Nope, unless they are like married to money.


addctd2badideas t1_j26dulp wrote

They're doing their job poorly, though. You can't go on a social media site, get called out for something and respond the way they have so far. I'm a 14 year comms professional and you either don't respond at all to these kinds of comments and just let it be (so it doesn't acquire more attention) or you formulate a measured response such as "This position's salary range is commensurate with the experience we are seeking within our budgetary requirements."

It's really that easy.


velveteen311 t1_j26gtdu wrote

I got paid MORE than this to be a shift supervisor (the lowest level of management) at a coffee joint. In 2017. And we still got all those benefits. I can’t imagine anyone qualified wanting this job. I assume it can even get dangerous at times.


KingMiyamotoMusashi t1_j26y4mo wrote

Serious question… this job seems like it probably sucks… terrible pay, terrible schedule and probably crappy working conditions… In the government sector these jobs exist.. Clerical work in cities and places like police departments which I think all of us would consider important need to be done for the system to run smoothly.. How do we fix it? these positions don’t necessarily generate money so it’s very tough to offer competitive pay… but when they’re not given competitive pay you get incompetent or under qualified people and then it messes up the entire system… What is the answer to fix this sort of thing? I’m genuinely asking and not trying to be snarky at all, I am interested in everyone’s position on things like this


BmoreCityDOT OP t1_j271mck wrote

Thanks. 😕 They implied we don’t want good candidates. We do. We’re trying to do the best with what we’ve got. We don’t put up with shadiness in the department.

We’re hoping someone who would really like the job will apply.


wolfbear t1_j27h8m6 wrote

great. now maybe can pick up the abandoned car that’s been reported over a half dozen times for close to two months on 35th St.


The_Waxies_Dargle t1_j28kkq1 wrote

In defense of them, they made the truck hauling away the person's car really cute. Maybe they can do a colorful graphic about the person trying to get $450 out of their bank to get their car back, or give some snarky suggestions for paycheck-to-paycheck people to tell their boss when they're getting fired for not being able to get their car back when an overzealous tow truck driver grabs it.


addctd2badideas t1_j28uenq wrote

A communications manager position I interviewed for at MDOT was around $90K. In fact, most government work pays at least a little above the median if not more. Most federal jobs pay quite well especially for the metro region.

It's not government work, but rather Baltimore City government work. We have an exodus of our residents, thus our tax base, thus our funding for government workers.


SeaworthinessFit2151 t1_j28w3ex wrote

There’s a pipe fitter job opening My husband looked at it. It’s half what a union fitter makes. This city needs to step it up and pay


BmoreCityDOT OP t1_j28wm82 wrote

If you have the reference numbers, you can 311 and they can give you an update and that vehicle.

When calling, you can say “I’d like to check on the status of my service request. Would you mind looking up the details in the Salesforce system for me please?”.

This will get you the most information.


JustANonner t1_j29qkin wrote

I wouldn't do the job but on the high end, $49k and if working 40 hour work weeks, comes out to $25.60ish. Not sure if that's a competitive pay or not, but I'm guessing it probably isn't considering the actual job.


sxswnxnw t1_j2cfi4e wrote

Honestly though, federal jobs also tend to pay by location. Once you remove that location pay, the real pay is kinda basic and honestly on the low side for what all they expect people to do.

Source: know folks who work for federal government.


wolfbear t1_j2cshpr wrote

hahaha yeah i’ve done that half a dozen times in the last two months. “oh, we don’t have anywhere to put the abandoned cars. would you like a manager to call you? it will take a few days.”

(three weeks later)


JohnLocksTheKey t1_j2ffu1b wrote

Ooof BDOT… this salary sucks. I’m the homeless man who pleasures himself at the corner of Biddle and Bond, and I make more than this.