Submitted by blsavarese t3_zyjupl in baltimore

Is there a mudlarking community in Balto? I'm new to the area and new to mudlarking. I'd love to find someone to show me the ropes.



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wuguwa t1_j268yst wrote

Never heard of such. Looks interesting.


MereyB t1_j26b3rr wrote

I’ve only seen mudlarking on the (London) Thames videos. Would love to have something like that here.

ETA: quick search of YouTube didn’t turn anything up.


2_points_5_hours_ago t1_j26c3x7 wrote

Closest I've seen is /u/TopS3cr3t who does privy digging throughout the city, and recently has been posting more about magnet fishing in the harbor


Jrbobfishman t1_j26jkt2 wrote

The area south of insulator drive has some “beaches” that have some interesting finds. Tons of well worn “sea glass” , brick chunks and pottery. You might have to get a bit crafty to get back there with all the construction and keep an eye out for needles. Please stay out of the actual muddy areas in the harbor/Patapsco area. The stuff is like quicksand and full of chemicals, heavy metals ect


tmckearney t1_j28rdjh wrote

"Mudlarking" sounds dirty in more ways than one


LadyPaleRider t1_j2a0ldt wrote

I would be very cautious the water here is extremely toxic dangerous and smells bad. Needles and broken glass all over and the occasional homeless person can be very agressive. Maybe go with a group


iamaxc t1_j2atmqa wrote

Interested in this too, Baltimore is such an old city that there has to be something neat buried around somewhere. I've seen videos where folks do bottle collecting from old dumps too, seems like fun.