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Strategery_Man t1_j2c2y0c wrote

It comes down to how much someone cares about their neighbors and the city. I get that people care about Baltimore and that it is Charm City for a reason. However, the general "I am Baltimore" identity does not permeate the populous.

I like Baltimore, but I have my gripes. I come from Pittsburgh. Yinzers love their city. It's ride or die in that city.

I just wish Baltimore's citizens could trust each other a bit more. It would really help camaraderie. Baltimore has a lot of potential but it's gonna be tough to get people to care about each other.


icarlin412 t1_j2e5n6k wrote

My guy…I love that interview. It means theirs still some yinzers left in the Burgh. But also coming from Pittsburgh like you said the pride levels mean very different things between these two cities. I would say Baltimore definitely has pride but it’s definitely more a tale of two cities if you will with that pride. Pittsburgh is a lot more of a collective pride.