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TheDiscoGodfather OP t1_j2a1r0p wrote

We’re staying at the holiday inn express at ingleside and rt 40. They gave me the Snitches get Stitches look as I watched in disbelief. I was born and raised just a few miles from here and hate seeing the city I love get trashed like that.


nathanisthisforreal t1_j2ag336 wrote

The littering around here truly drives me up a wall. You can’t drive on any highway without seeing piles and piles of trash on the side of the road, not to mention random garbage in the parks that absolutely have trash cans. I understand we need more cans but I will carry trash with me for miles and just dispose of it at home if need be - never in a million years would it occur to me to drink a bottle of soda and casually toss it on the ground. It’s insane.


ChemicalElevator1380 t1_j2askzq wrote

You see their mother wasn't in the car to take the trash to the can. Some people just can't grow up


RL_Mutt t1_j2at824 wrote

I hate that shit with a passion. People are such shitheads.


moderndukes t1_j2aw1q4 wrote

Honestly, the biggest thing that grinds me gears is people throwing trash bags into the recycling. DPW just skips those cans then on both collection days because they can’t take plastic bags on recycling and they’re not in green cans for trash.


PigtownFoo t1_j2azfmy wrote

For as charming as the city is, it could be even more charming if more people simply gave AF about the city. Literally not trashing it is like the easiest thing to do. Much of the city is downright filthy.

If Brandon Scott were to go full throttle on an ongoing city cleanup effort and campaign, I would consider this a huge success for his political career and future prospects.


Shiny_Deleter t1_j2bhdg6 wrote


Sorry for all caps, but this makes me angry and sad and confused. Also, I picked up several pieces of garbage because if you’re gonna bitch, you better be willing to do something.


DiscoDeadhead t1_j2bkxqp wrote

I'm just commenting to say I love your username


aduirne t1_j2blh5p wrote

I see it coming out of the windows of expensive cars and SUVs and I see it on my own complex's parking lot. Probably the same fucker who never picks up his dog's shit.


mysinful t1_j2bn00c wrote

I disagree. It is more like they don’t take pride nor ownership of their surroundings and are used to being a victim of circumstance where not caring about the greater good is the way to take care of yourself. It’s a deep rooted societal problem not a bunch of maladjusted individuals. They don’t feel a part of their location or community so have no qualms wrecking it.


FTR_Hair t1_j2bnsei wrote

There is so much trash where I live it’s disgusting. Property management doesn’t give a shit.


Direcircumstances1 t1_j2bqzag wrote

I have seen people that live on corner row homes Open the door and walk 10 feet and dump Trash in front of their houses by the storm drain. Blows my mind. Common practice to see people in cars open doors and dump. Such trash


SaveFailsafe t1_j2bsjwy wrote

Yeah I buy that reasoning for the people absent-mindedly dumping fast food wrappers in the gutter, but not for people who intentionally dump carfuls of trash like OP described. That's on a different level and speaks to a greater psychological dysfunction.


mousemarie94 t1_j2bvbfj wrote

Tbf I live rural and have seen people throw entire trash bags out of their lifted trucks.

Shitheads are everywhere. There are more shitheads in cities, hands down. More people. More problems.


Strategery_Man t1_j2c2y0c wrote

It comes down to how much someone cares about their neighbors and the city. I get that people care about Baltimore and that it is Charm City for a reason. However, the general "I am Baltimore" identity does not permeate the populous.

I like Baltimore, but I have my gripes. I come from Pittsburgh. Yinzers love their city. It's ride or die in that city.

I just wish Baltimore's citizens could trust each other a bit more. It would really help camaraderie. Baltimore has a lot of potential but it's gonna be tough to get people to care about each other.


matt45 t1_j2dbi02 wrote

Did you pick it up?


Ok_Concentrate_75 t1_j2dduyf wrote

Maryland and littering sadly go hand and hand. It's wild how many beautiful places are ruined by people wanting to get rofo boxes out of their cars.


ElectricStar87 t1_j2did3e wrote

I see your point, but let me pose a question:

If you’re traveling in a place you’ve never been and will never come back to, do you just throw trash on the ground? After all, you don’t have any connection to or “investment” in the place whatsoever.

I suspect the answer for the vast majority of people is “no”.

Sure, there’s a larger disenfranchisement issue in Baltimore, but there’s a lot of generally jerk behavior here and in the rest of the world as well.

I think there’s also a distinction to be made between people littering in already abused (“disinvested”) areas where we might see littering as a more expected behavior, given your critique, and people littering in otherwise “kept-up areas” (whatever that may mean and why) — I’ve definitely seen flagrant littering in both.

There’s also a decent amount of illegal littering in rural areas, but it’s just more spread out. Interesting research here.

I’d also like to take this moment to remind everyone that most cigarette butts don’t actually decompose quickly. Somehow most smokers (which was for many years practically a majority of Americans) take it for granted that tossing butts is totally fine. Not sure if this is related or not.


OwsleysApples t1_j2djtq0 wrote

This shit really bothers me. However, it’s hard to see how folks would have respect for their environment when they are fighting for their lives due to abject poverty caused by failed systems all around them. Sure all the vacant houses don’t help either. There is just so much that needs fixing.


CheddyBs t1_j2du2ty wrote

Every day, a husband and wife toss their trash from each of their cars into the street. Right there by their car or under the car they parked next to. Not to mention of their cars leaks large amounts of oil daily.


Longjumping-Air6520 t1_j2dvy97 wrote

The vast majority of people I see littering are people in cars. And not junky cars. I saw my co-worker do this in front of our school where we work. And I know he makes more than 90k and has a master's degree. The issue isn't poverty... it's people being raised not to care at all about other people. And yes, he is an awful teacher, too. Not everything is poverty. People have to have a sense of responsibility and a little bit of moral decency. The government can't provide that.


icarlin412 t1_j2e5n6k wrote

My guy…I love that interview. It means theirs still some yinzers left in the Burgh. But also coming from Pittsburgh like you said the pride levels mean very different things between these two cities. I would say Baltimore definitely has pride but it’s definitely more a tale of two cities if you will with that pride. Pittsburgh is a lot more of a collective pride.


jheyne0311 t1_j2e9hjn wrote

I will never understand how people can litter and just carry on with their life. To combat this I’ve been picking up trash around my house every few weeks. I fill a bag each time and will continue to do so


Bleades t1_j2ea7ek wrote

I used to work in the city directly with residents. I remember showing up to a guys house for an appointment. He came out eating something in a styrofoam container. As we were talking he finished it and just threw it in the street. I just stopped talking and stared at him "like bro come on, really? You're in front of your own damn house.". God damn just have some common decency.


IrishmaninLA t1_j2edmzi wrote

Pricks. They deserve an ashtray dumped in their window


Interstate8 t1_j2ewxxl wrote

I recently honked at someone when I saw them dump trash at a red light around MLK and N Howard. They got out of their car and threatened to kill me. Love this city!