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S-Kunst t1_iznofc1 wrote

This is the story of Baltimore. Outsiders gobbling up properties for renting, gouging the tenant, not maintaining what they have. I find it curious as the residential rental market should imitate farming practices. Where the farmer purchases livestock and seeds, puts in the labor to improve the value of the livestock and crops, then can see a financial reward when the items are brought to market. In the end, the farmer knows that it is in their best interest to maintain their infrastructure, so it will work for him and not cause more setbacks for the next season. But, as we know the rental market is all about maximum payment now with no interest in tomorrow.

What puzzles me the most is that there are no smart investors who see that if they practice good farming tactics, they will have a better return over the long haul. Then again most rental property owners know nothing about maintenance or good animal husbandry. They think like the banks and want the fastest dollar today.

Johns Hopkins was in this same camp. Only through the goading and embarrassment laid on him by other wealthy Baltimorians did he provide money for the Hospital & College.