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Bravesfan043 t1_j1ahelk wrote

If your objective is a serious relationship — I’d do the BMA or the Walters. I’ve had a lot of success there. The environment will lend itself to create conversation naturally whereas a bar/dinner date can turn to small talk. They can take a few hours to walk through and you can really get to know each other.

If your objective is to get laid — decent bar with good food within walking distance of your place on a Saturday night.


KrylonSketchCan t1_j1ai3x5 wrote

This guy gets it… logistics is KING


Bravesfan043 t1_j1al1qy wrote

When I was in my 20’s, I had bars for when I was trying to get laid, but I didn’t want to be seen by anyone I knew (e.g I was trying to land a cougar). The old Bad Decisions was great for that.


designbyblake t1_j1auqx0 wrote

Excuse me ma’am, im going to go urinate in a bathroom that smells like death and has the rock staring at me.


Classifiedgarlic t1_j1cj9cf wrote

BMA is also a decent hookup place- nothing turns people on quite like art