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bmore t1_j0i2aji wrote

You're commenting good luck enforcing this on a post about effective data-backed enforcement. Kinda weak.

By the way, companies will and do ban riders for repeated parking offenses.


DisentangledElm t1_j0i4737 wrote

Probably because the stat about effectiveness was at the bottom and the title was "we're testing," not "here are the results of our test." I'm saying it's difficult to enforce because I see people ditch these things in the street a lot. Yes, I'm one of those "evil motorists" this sub seems to hate, but I dislike these things because a) they're hard to see at night b) they get ditched in the roadways and driveways and c) they care about as much for traffic laws as cyclists do (e.g., blowing through reds). Corralling them is great, if you can get people to do it.

I'd be more interested in the stats for the "non-hub" areas.


bmore t1_j0i7di4 wrote

Are you implying cyclists and scooter users break traffic laws at higher rates than motorists?