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bril_hartman t1_j0v4kwe wrote

But isn’t it also bad PR and media coverage that’s allowed it to get to a point where more people leave the city than come in? If more people focus on what is good (which is a lot), we’ll have more quality individuals and thus, more taxpayer money. Not to mention the fact that people feel safer when they’re surrounded by more people (the old “safety in numbers). Hence why I always cringe when people let one shooting keep them away from Fells or Canton. Chicago and New Orleans are two cities with similar crime issues to us, yet they never get the reputation as the crime and murder cities, and have great tourism industries. I think that’s something that could definitely stand to change for the better.


Cunninghams_right t1_j0v8qcw wrote

we don't put as much money into our tourist districts or as much effort into making sure the criminals stay out of the tourist areas. cities with good tourism make more of an effort to keep armed squeegeers and dirtbikers out of the core tourist district.


Cheomesh t1_j0vux70 wrote

>Chicago and New Orleans are two cities with similar crime issues to us, yet they never get the reputation as the crime and murder cities

Chicago famously does - which is weird considering they're not even the most dangerous city in Illinois anymore, and haven't been for a while.