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PVinesGIS t1_j2msk4x wrote

Yeah, but treading water on the murder rate while the overall population total is dropping…not exactly what I’d call progress.


The_Waxies_Dargle t1_j2ogose wrote

Not at all. He made some specific promises if I recall. Seems like he was utterly unprepared for how entrenched it all is.


CaptainObvious110 t1_j2q9ck3 wrote

He grew up in Park Heights

Scott grew up in the city’s Park Heights neighborhood, the oldest of three boys.

During his campaign, Scott frequently spoke of how his childhood experiences shaped him and motivated him to run for public office.

“I was raised literally at the corner of Cold Spring and Pimlico,” he said in a television campaign ad. "Guns. Drugs. Violence. Every single night. I remember asking, ‘Why doesn’t anyone care?’ My mom said, ‘If you want it to change, you have to change it yourself.’ And that’s when I knew that I had to serve.”

It could be family members, or friend of family that are involved in some pretty rough things here in Baltimore. So if he goes to hard on crime it puts him in a very awkward position.


The_Waxies_Dargle t1_j2req98 wrote

I think the guy's heart is in the right place. I recall him out there during the riots, right out in front, trying to bring it to a close. No matter how critical I am of his performance, my respect for him will remain for that act. As opposed to our then Mayor, SRB, who literally disappeared for hours. But I also think the Peter principle applies here, and that's a shame.


CaptainObvious110 t1_j2s4y25 wrote

There has to be something to it though. But I don't think folks are understanding what I am getting at.