Submitted by meowmeowbuttz t3_10kamtj in baltimore

The Walgreens in the Rotunda is the worst. Anyone use Mimikay on the Avenue? How about the Walgreens on Falls or in Remington? I have an uncomplicated prescription, I just want a pharmacy that has it ready when they say it's ready.

Edit: this is unrelated to the recent Adderall posts, haha



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Wolfman3 t1_j5pef47 wrote

I’ve come to learn that most if not all Walgreens are the worst.

Mimikay is fantastic! I too have an uncomplicated prescription, and it’s always ready when I need it.


PoopIsAlwaysSunny t1_j5pg272 wrote

I’ve actually never had problems with falls rd Walgreens. Pharmacists there are usually great.

Everything about the rotunda Walgreens sucks tho


PigtownDesign t1_j5ph6sy wrote

DO NOT go to the CVS at Falls and Cold Spring. They are horrible beyond words.


SouthpawMary t1_j5q2zvs wrote

I use Mimikay and really like the pharmacist. I don’t think they are open on Sunday, but have regular hours until 6pm during the week and a half day on Saturday. Have always gotten good service there and it’s beats the circus at the Rotunda Walgreens.


umbligado t1_j5q8wa6 wrote

Just FYI, retail pharmacy staffing is in pretty rough shape across the board these days (especially with pharmacy techs), and the pharmacists are exhausted from giving COVID shots. The whole industry is kinda ragged right now, and my guess is that experiences will vary from day today, even at the same store.


Suspicious_Way_7810 t1_j5qph5o wrote

The Remington Walgreens in fantastic. I’ve been going there for over a year and have never had any issues


edcod1 t1_j5qs0xj wrote

I’ve moved around that neighborhood pharmacy wise. I went from the cvs on falls, to the rotunda Walgreens, now at the 41st Walgreens, which btw is only open on weekdays, so that’s a potential challenge. I get specialty stuff from Ultracare, and they’re pretty good, parking lot is a challenge since it’s at that corner of falls and cold spring. I’m half considering the Walgreens on falls at like 38th or somewhere nearish to there, I’m not sure the cross street.


81632371 t1_j5t7evn wrote

I've had the same experience. I've had a lot of prescriptions filled/refilled in the past three months and the Falls Walgreens is close to me, so I've been going there.

The only issue is they aren't open on weekends. So when I need something right away, I have to have it sent to another store. They also close for lunch, so I have to plan around that also.


Salt-Animator5091 t1_j5tr128 wrote

Walgreens in Remington has been bananas recently, do not recommend. For a recent prescription, I had to go in *four times* to get it filled, and on the last visit I was there waiting for over an hour, and watched the staff get into shouting matches with three different people who also had come in multiple times to pick prescriptions and had been told they were ready when they weren't actually available. It seems like the whole industry is really struggling, so I don't know of anywhere that is doing much better.


AccomplishedPut3610 t1_j5vfjgt wrote

Mimikay's is great. It's just 1 pharmacist, so don't expect services that chains have pretty much made standard like auto-refilling of medications or a call when they're ready, but I've always found those services annoying and unreliable anyway. But if those services don't matter to you, Mimikay is a great pharmacy.


whippoorwill36 t1_j6e8w2f wrote

Walgreens in Remington has always been fine for me. The CVS in Charles Village was an absolute shit show for a while, but I haven’t had any issues there recently.