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EfficiencySuch6361 t1_j6n39d2 wrote

So obviously this tunnel needs to happen but why can’t they spend a drop or 2 from the vast ocean of fed gov spending to do some of the testing that these residents are concerned about or somehow otherwise placate those at risk of being affected?


megalomike t1_j6n88qa wrote

this project, like every other federally funded project, has 10s of thousands of pages of feasibility studies going back nearly a decade. the complainers cannot be placated, they just want to complain.


rectalhorror t1_j6nfu7m wrote

Same deal with the Purple Line connecting Silver Spring and Bethesda: locals were decrying the environmental impact and when that didn't work, the Chevy Chase Country Club clutched their pearls at the impact to their historic neighborhood. Also the recent proposal to run a maglev line from DC to Baltimore. Every town in that corridor protested because they'd get no direct benefit from it, which is part of the issue with these nimbys.


shaneknu t1_j6no8kb wrote

To be fair, MagLev would benefit very few of us. The tickets will be too expensive, the trains too far apart, and last I heard, it terminates at Camden Yards, with no plan to expand northeast. I'd be all about having an $8-$10 ride to D.C. that takes half an hour with more train options than a $30-$60 ride to D.C. that takes 15 minutes with fewer train options.


rectalhorror t1_j6noqgv wrote

Agree completely. For the billions taxpayers would spend on a maglev line, they could run MARC trains between Baltimore and DC 24/7 with 10 minute headways, but that won't get press like a maglev/hyperloop/gondola/long-distance trebuchet.


StrikingExamination6 t1_j6n8ndx wrote

That’s a part of every major infrastructure project. Soil boring tests, resonant impacts, etc will be required, just as they are for every other project of a similar scope. Also, these tunnel boring machines may be “scary” but they are used in cities around the world every day. Baltimore is no different than Philly, a city that has recently completed a similar project.


F4robo t1_j6n8vps wrote

Seattle just tunneled the 99


StrikingExamination6 t1_j6nb8gh wrote

And except going over budget and way beyond the schedule, it went well.


F4robo t1_j6nlp51 wrote

Agreed, but name any big project that doesnt. I will wait.


StrikingExamination6 t1_j6nsqp2 wrote

Oh, I wasn’t being sarcastic. I lived in Seattle when the tunnel was being dug. It was a cool project.


F4robo t1_j6ofp7d wrote

I lived at green lake elevated 99was downrite scary to drive down to get the ferry.


EfficiencySuch6361 t1_j6nneo2 wrote

Read the article, I’m talking about a specific comment that one of the protestors made


StrikingExamination6 t1_j6nsn56 wrote

The one about no testing being done? The protester likely would have no way to know what, if any testing has taken place.


TerranceBaggz t1_j6p77vn wrote

They could contact their councilperson or delegates who likely can share the info with them.


EfficiencySuch6361 t1_j6o5mf6 wrote

So their concerns are unfounded but also they would have no way of even verifying. Got it 🙄


bmore t1_j6p679h wrote

There is an entire FEIS and ROD with specific answers to their concerns, they just don't believe the data and think it's made up. More tests confirming the prior data they already refuse to believe won't change their minds.


EfficiencySuch6361 t1_j6p8444 wrote

It sure would be nice if the news article would elaborate a bit more instead of just letting such a comment be made without any context