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advptr t1_j6kt1kn wrote

Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t we reroute falls to accommodate 83?


Helikeon t1_j6kuw9g wrote

It was buried in 1915 to accommodate Penn Station


shaneknu t1_j6l0i7d wrote

Would you happen to have any more information on that? Looking around, I'm seeing these two photos.

From 1917:

and From 1977:

This post claims 1915:

"The Jones Falls from just upstream of Penn Station to the Inner Harbor at the location of the present National Aquarium was placed in three massive tunnels and is still there today. Dedicated in 1915, the Jones Falls Conduit solved the problems of flooding for the downtown area and removed what had been a polluted cesspool from view."


advptr t1_j6l0ac9 wrote

Way before my time 😅 but that river has a super interesting history, all the mills and such it’s honestly my favorite part of Baltimore, even thought the water is disgusting lol


Longey13 t1_j6kzjru wrote

It is still mostly under the JFX from cold spring onwards, in an ugly concrete viaduct with the massive structure of the highway above it. It's rerouted around Penn station I believe and then buried until it gets near the piers.


advptr t1_j6l036c wrote

I’ve explored those tunnels you can get pretty far but eventually it gets to a point where you either gotta tube it or something, and we didn’t have the balls when faced with the possibility of getting stuck at the halfway point with zero possibility of going back the way you came


tacsatduck t1_j6n4ar4 wrote

Yeah, would be a bad way to go out, getting stuck in a pipe under Baltimore.


advptr t1_j6l0l0a wrote

“Those tunnels” referring to the ones at Lafayette and maryland