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Lopsided_School5053 OP t1_j60dwdg wrote

I hope you don't mind me picking your brain some more. What do you mean your rate is $1000 after they take their cut? Do they charge you 1000 per month? per gig? per year? One time payment to join? Or you charge them $1000?


ivegoneblinkingmad t1_j60p39s wrote

No problem! The agency asks X amount for us to play at Y venue. Y venue and the agency go back and forth and agree to an amount. So far, the amount the venues have offered has equaled to us getting $1000 after we pay out to the agency. This isn’t always the case but that’s how its worked so far. Sometimes we get paid $1000 and then pay out and we all take home a little less.

So after we’re done playing, we get a check for X amount from that venue, then we give our agency the % we’ve agreed upon (10%) and we keep the rest. We get paid per gig. They don’t make money off of us unless we play a gig that they’ve booked us. We could go around them and book the the same venue without them, but that just ruins our relationship with the agency and typically they’ll still expect a % since it’s considered one of “their” venues.

Feel free to DM me if you have any more questions!