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Syphon6645 t1_j3762xz wrote

I would like to see what exactly he plans on doing with those funds if obtained. The entire city is mismanaged fiscally and in other regards and all that ends up happening is the blame game. Kids are dying and people have no hope. How aren't people more outraged?

Are kids still wearing coats in schools? How are those WiFi trash cans working out? Where has the covid relief funds gone?

Public safety? Why were those kids out of school? Was the family and/or guardians informed they weren't in school? The officers patrolling the areas didn't escort them back to school? There's a lot of collective blame to go around but zero actions by all parties. Don't tell me you care with your words. Do it with actionable items. We know it's tragic. It is over and over again all over the place.

Let's see detailed plans and actual action. For too long we hear about what they are gonna do. Screw your gonna!