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Emergency_Moose_5647 t1_j58kiwt wrote

What if I have no experience BUT I watch a lot of engineering videos on YouTube? 🤔


BJJBean t1_j58l6h8 wrote

Sorry, you're not allowed to be an engineer unless you put yourself through the sheer misery that is engineering school.


Fruktoj t1_j5bnc9l wrote

The engineering school of hard knocks? I know dozens of guys with no degree schlocking the eng title.


luchobucho t1_j5f7bog wrote

In most countries that’s literally not allowed.


Fruktoj t1_j5fpsgk wrote

Totally allowed in this one. Most of our manufacturing engineers have never seen the inside of a college classroom.


BmoreCityDOT OP t1_j5jwqz0 wrote

Definitely not allowed at the DOT.


Fruktoj t1_j5kvgby wrote

So there's not a single person there who worked their way up to an engineer title from a surveyor or something? Just arguing for arguments sake.


luchobucho t1_j5fq1n2 wrote

Yeah we don’t really do a good job of defining engineer unless they’re licensed.


Velghast t1_j5ab6pu wrote

I thoroughly enjoy seeing that Baltimore City uses Reddit as a resource. I've seen a couple mayors use reddit as a round table open house and do some amas before. This has nothing to do with engineering I just got a rise out of it


bottlestoppage t1_j5aaeay wrote

This is earns up to 119k/year, so it’ll take some time to get to the full pay. Also, HR is only authorized to offer up to 50% of the salary range during the hiring process, just fyi


TheRainbowpill93 t1_j5bwrj2 wrote

Yeah the phrase “up to” gets them every time lol. Chances are, you’re gonna be chewed up and spit out long before you touch 6 figs.


BmoreCityDOT OP t1_j58aw3x wrote

Interested? Apply right here.


bottlestoppage t1_j59tuk2 wrote

That a workday site is soooo much worse than the site there City used to use. Like dramatically worse.


MattDaCatt t1_j5a64j3 wrote

I searched technical roles (i.e. network engineer ) and still got results for "Police Officer" lol.

Classic BCIT


Tavataar t1_j5a4zjq wrote

May be useful to mention what sort of engineer you are looking for. One would assume civil engineering, but maybe it is MEP, software, etc.


HumanGyroscope t1_j58npq6 wrote

Would you actually pay 119K for a consultant to go public?


bobcat7781 t1_j5asftf wrote

What kind of engineer? There are many different kinds: mechanical, civil, electrical, computer, etc.


Significant_Jump_21 t1_j5bvj9b wrote

Civil engineer here. Bachelors plus 5 years experience. Your pay is lower than standard for this area. I got my degree in TX. First job in a state with a lower cost of living. The pay was higher. Higher = higher quality workers/higher quality work AND less corruption.

My company works on some city subcontracts. BUT I push for private work and work outside the city because most your workers and vendors are shady. Costs come in too high. Materials substandard. Timeliness padded.

You need to review financial priorities. This is crazy. No decent engineer is going to take 80-90k starting for supervising work. You'll wind up with somebody's nephew/cousin/boyfriend who doesn't know the work.


meJohnnyD t1_j5ayhge wrote

Where do you get a BA in science?


pepesilvia50 t1_j598a5l wrote

4 years of engineering experience gets you MAX like $10k more a year than I make bartending? Or does Baltimore City just pay shit?


jitty t1_j59tu2c wrote

Narrator: He doesn’t actually earn 109k bartending.


Real-Ray-Lewis t1_j5annft wrote

I have some buddies down in oc that probably pull 6 figures bartendinf


[deleted] t1_j5ansdm wrote



Real-Ray-Lewis t1_j5ao9n5 wrote

Lol stay playin board games hoe man


[deleted] t1_j5aosf8 wrote



Real-Ray-Lewis t1_j5ap8i3 wrote

Lol who cares how much you’re bringing in bud. Insecure?


[deleted] t1_j5apfzk wrote



Real-Ray-Lewis t1_j5aprpw wrote

Your bs radar is broken. Might want to go outside and socialize with others


metalmola t1_j59o9bl wrote

They probably don't have to work nights and weekends and holidays.


sxswnxnw t1_j59in2q wrote

I think it means people really like drinking and what society says are valued skills, knowledge, and abilities and what someone is actually compensated for those skills, knowledge, and abilities don't always line up perfectly or the way we would initially think.

For example, someone just repaired my leaky roof. I paid a shit ton: they literally made more in the 2 hours making the repairs than I make for two hours of work with two degrees (bachelor and master) by at least a factor of 25 (I did the math). We both have lots of experience. Their trade being more lucrative than my office job is not so uncommon. But I'd be lying if "I am in the wrong job," didn't pass my lips at least a half dozen times since the work was completed.

I also know I couldn't get up on my roof and do what they did... So I feel OK with what I paid them for the job and I won't be running out to learn how to fix roofs any time soon.


Tavataar t1_j59k0p8 wrote

There also may be benefits along with that: healthcare, pension, etc.


super_not_clever t1_j59ym64 wrote

I love it when people don't consider the value of benefits. I left my state university job a few months ago to work at a private University, which also has pretty good benefits. However, even though they are "good," the difference in monetary value (pension vs 401k contribution, more expensive insurance etc) equated to roughly $30k.


BmoreCityDOT OP t1_j5jwxor wrote

You make $109,000 bartending? You must be an amazing bartender. Virgin mojito for the road, please.