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Matt3989 t1_j604n3p wrote

Possession isn't a violent crime.

I'm all for 10, 15, 20 years mandatory minimums (I know this article is only talking about maximums) for anyone who uses a gun in the act of committing another crime, but sending someone away for a decade because they live in one of the most violent neighborhoods in the developed world while simultaneously having an awful police/community relationship, a 16 minute average response time, a cash based economy, and a huge financial barrier to entry for a legal handgun permit... It just doesn't make sense.

We're letting trigger pullers off with a slap on the wrist, let's fix that before lumping every person with a gun into the groups that are tearing the city apart.


XxCloudSephiroth69xX t1_j61d742 wrote

FYI - Average response time is a bad metric. 911 calls are triaged. A call for someone reporting that their neighbor is being annoying is going to sit in the dispatchers box for a while until all higher priority calls are dealt with. If a shooting comes out it'll sit for hours, which is going to significantly reduce an average call time.


Matt3989 t1_j63hk2u wrote

Of the 3 times I've called 911:

  • A guy ripped a mailbox off of the house, smashed the front window and was actively entering while the homeowner hit him with a golf club. 911 was called, it took 3 hours to get a response. Some neighbors heard and had gotten the guy out of the house hours ago and he ran away.

  • A guy drove up on the sidewalk and tried to run my SO and I down (after I flipped him off because he almost hit us when he blew threw a stop sign), when a tree stopped him he got out and tried to fight us, then followed us home and was beating on our door for 30 minutes. The cop took 2 hours to get there after the initial call, I gave him the tag number and the cop gave me his name and address and told me to "I'm giving this to you so you can file a restraining order, or go handle it yourself".

  • My neighbor, a felon, was buying a handgun on his stoop (from a guy who broke into my shed and stole some bikes/tools a few weeks prior, also never caught). Outside in plain daylight, handing cash, working the slide, loading magazines, etc. Cops never showed.

All but the first one was were between ~9-10am.

I would imagine triaging 911 calls is standard across the nation, why do you think the highest funded department per capita is so much worse than other cities?


XxCloudSephiroth69xX t1_j67aa7k wrote

Sorry you've had a bad experience, but it's not the usual. Without a date, time, and location I can't tell you what was going on. Maybe there were other pressing issues. Or it may have something to do with us being the 2nd highest per capita in murders and having a massive staffing shortage while patrol gets raided for consent decree units and politician's pet projects.


Dyzerio t1_j61gtlx wrote

So you're saying that the 16 minute response time isn't valid in the more violent neighborhoods because cops will put their calls on hold for more violent crime?


XxCloudSephiroth69xX t1_j61kwk6 wrote

It's not really valid anywhere in the city when it comes to violent crimes or some crimes in progress. Violent crimes are dispatched typically immediately. An officer is usually already in route even while the 911 call taker is still on the phone with the caller. Its why the 911 call takers always ask for location and reason for calling first, and then ask a bunch of questions afterwards. As soon as they find out what the crime is and the location that info is pushed to the dispatcher, who alerts officers and sends them to the location. Additional info is pushed through as the 911 call taker obtains it. Property crimes and other quality of life type crimes are pushed to the back of the line.