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BigBankkFrank t1_j3fdjky wrote

So now you’re racist? Lol


[deleted] t1_j3ff099 wrote



Hi_there_yous t1_j3fjksu wrote

If you wouldn’t be more afraid of white people after they robbed you then yeah it’s racist. You also called it racist in your own post.


[deleted] t1_j3fkl8b wrote



DfcukinLite t1_j3fnfza wrote

I know a few white neighborhoods you can run around just to even things out and get some world experience if you’d like


nico_de_galloo t1_j3h5byo wrote

Lmao boy - you’re a hoot. I’m not gonna go an eye for an eye on ya. Dead ass you just flipped a switch and are openly racist on Reddit…with such confidence. “I swear - I don’t want to be like this” then don’t let your own fear take over. Go hang out with some people that don’t do the usual routine you do. Whoever, whatever they look like. You need a book, a therapist and some culture


This_Just__In t1_j3hm4m0 wrote

I appreciate your honesty. Address it and work with a qualified therapist. Best of luck, and stick to daylight runs, please for your safety.👍


Icy-Hospital-7434 t1_j3fgwxe wrote

You are the one who used the word racism lol And people are often in denial about how extensive their racism or implicit bias is. I recommend you do some internal work on it.

I went to a city that is predominantly black. I then decided to take a run in one of the most unsafe neighborhoods in that city, where there is probs gang activity. I then get robbed by a group of men who have guns and they are black. Ummm no shit. Most people around here don't carry guns like that esp in groups, including black people.


Icy-Hospital-7434 t1_j3fhgsa wrote

The percentage of black people in Baltimore is at least 61% for the entire city. The area you chose to run in is probably closer to 95% or more. So statistically if you were to be robbed in that area it would most likely be by a black person not because of their race but because of numbers seen in the demographics.

That is also notoriously one of the most unsafe parts of the city.

The person who also made sure I walked down the street okay one night. The woman who gave a random stranger on the bus money. The friendly bus driver. The awesome kids I work with in the city. Also all black. Their race is not what made them do those things.