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N4zdr3g t1_j3fogmt wrote

I was mugged in Hampden a bit more than a week before your incident. Two guys with guns tried to rob my wife and me a half block from our house. I wound up getting shot in the leg before they took off in a waiting car. Thankfully my wife was unhurt and they didn't get any of our things.

It's rough out there, I'm sorry you had this happen.


billiamprydz t1_j3h0lft wrote

Ahh this was the one off Keswick right? Sorry to hear that. I live in the neighborhood. How has your recovery gone?

Things were getting a little crazy/weird in Hampden over the summer with car jackings then months to follow. Hope you’re well!


N4zdr3g t1_j3hkbl9 wrote

Thanks! Yep, that's the one. Recovery is going okay, I'm walking around again which is nice.


Timid_Teacher t1_j3gs885 wrote

Where in Hampden was this? I didn't even hear about that.


N4zdr3g t1_j3hk61d wrote

Around the 3000 block of Keswick Road, in the alleyway leading up from the path to the bridge on Wyman Park Drive.


Timid_Teacher t1_j3hw21c wrote

Oh yeah, I think I do remember hearing about this. When was this? Did they catch the people who did it?


N4zdr3g t1_j3i02e5 wrote

It was at the end of October. As far as I know, they haven't been caught yet.


Bovestrian8061 t1_j3gon5a wrote

Jesus, I thought Hampden was one of the safer areas…


N4zdr3g t1_j3hlc3r wrote

It generally is, which is why this group targeted the area. These guys have been doing carjackings and armed robberies for the last few months in this area (might even be the same group that got OP) because people aren't expecting it in a "safe" area, the victims are generally fairly well off, and so far they've suffered no consequences for their actions. Why give it up?


BigBankkFrank t1_j3fdjky wrote

So now you’re racist? Lol


[deleted] t1_j3ff099 wrote



Hi_there_yous t1_j3fjksu wrote

If you wouldn’t be more afraid of white people after they robbed you then yeah it’s racist. You also called it racist in your own post.


[deleted] t1_j3fkl8b wrote



DfcukinLite t1_j3fnfza wrote

I know a few white neighborhoods you can run around just to even things out and get some world experience if you’d like


nico_de_galloo t1_j3h5byo wrote

Lmao boy - you’re a hoot. I’m not gonna go an eye for an eye on ya. Dead ass you just flipped a switch and are openly racist on Reddit…with such confidence. “I swear - I don’t want to be like this” then don’t let your own fear take over. Go hang out with some people that don’t do the usual routine you do. Whoever, whatever they look like. You need a book, a therapist and some culture


This_Just__In t1_j3hm4m0 wrote

I appreciate your honesty. Address it and work with a qualified therapist. Best of luck, and stick to daylight runs, please for your safety.👍


Icy-Hospital-7434 t1_j3fgwxe wrote

You are the one who used the word racism lol And people are often in denial about how extensive their racism or implicit bias is. I recommend you do some internal work on it.

I went to a city that is predominantly black. I then decided to take a run in one of the most unsafe neighborhoods in that city, where there is probs gang activity. I then get robbed by a group of men who have guns and they are black. Ummm no shit. Most people around here don't carry guns like that esp in groups, including black people.


Icy-Hospital-7434 t1_j3fhgsa wrote

The percentage of black people in Baltimore is at least 61% for the entire city. The area you chose to run in is probably closer to 95% or more. So statistically if you were to be robbed in that area it would most likely be by a black person not because of their race but because of numbers seen in the demographics.

That is also notoriously one of the most unsafe parts of the city.

The person who also made sure I walked down the street okay one night. The woman who gave a random stranger on the bus money. The friendly bus driver. The awesome kids I work with in the city. Also all black. Their race is not what made them do those things.


rockybalBOHa t1_j3fegxe wrote

Area around Hanlon Park ain't good. Go running in better neighborhoods.


Rubysdad1975 t1_j3fg1hf wrote

Don’t run around Hanlon Park. That neighborhood just south of Liberty Heights Ave is rough. Stick to Ashburton or hop a bus and head for the Harbor. Plenty of safe places to jog down there.


SpacePueblo t1_j3fecjs wrote

Sucks brother. Consider you AirPods and wallet a donation, all replaceable. At least they didn’t kill ya.

The mental/emotional damage is real but give it time. Treat yourself in the meantime, you’ll bounce back.


Animanialmanac t1_j3fku0n wrote

Kudos to you for writing about your experience, that’s a tough step. I’m sorry this happened to you, I wish you a speedy recovery. Please consider counseling with a provider familiar with post assault traumatic stress and paranoia. Many people have feelings of fear or concern after assault, especially when interacting with someone who reminds them of the assailant. Smells, sounds, sights can all trigger feelings of uneasiness. This is normal after an assault, a trained counselor can help you heal from this. I wish you the best in your recovery.


z3mcs t1_j3fg472 wrote

Sucks to hear it. Sorry man. Glad you weren't physically hurt, and hope you can get back your sense of well-being. Also good on you for recognizing the effect it had on you. Honestly this society causes that anyway, so pretty much everybody should be trying to work on their racism toward people of color, so you're no different than anybody else in the U.S. (me included).


RG_Viza t1_j3h2og3 wrote

Words of advice, coming from a native that’s been in all kinds of neighborhoods. When outside.., Headphones off: leave them home. Phones: in pocket out of view or home Don’t walk down the street texting. Keep a 20 and an old credit card in your wallet, keep your bank card, credit card, license and the rest of your cash anywhere but in your wallet.

Think of your wallet as a decoy


DangerousGood0 t1_j3fe28j wrote

Why are you posting this two months later


[deleted] t1_j3fenmh wrote



[deleted] t1_j3fmtn9 wrote



[deleted] t1_j3fn6ku wrote



[deleted] t1_j3fo43x wrote



flyingspaghettisauce t1_j3g06kd wrote

Yikes. Why so triggered?


OcelotControl78 t1_j3gny14 wrote

i don't like racists.


flyingspaghettisauce t1_j3gpoua wrote

Sounds like projection to me


inukaglover666 t1_j3gtqut wrote

He literally said in the post he was racist so it’s hardly a projection lmao


flyingspaghettisauce t1_j3guqzp wrote

Yeah but if you look into your heart you’ll find that your sensitivity to the matter is a result of your fear of being labeled a racist yourself, which is a fear only a covert racist would have.


ltong1009 t1_j3gijhb wrote

Good job blaming the victim, a-hole. How about a little empathy?


OcelotControl78 t1_j3go0ew wrote

how about not being a racist?


ltong1009 t1_j3goplo wrote

We all have biases, realizing they exist is a step towards fixing them. The OP is brave to admit this and wants to change it.


OcelotControl78 t1_j3gpabn wrote

nah - he wanted sympathy, not a discussion on the impact of inherent biases.


ltong1009 t1_j3gq5vl wrote

You’re right, he wanted sympathy for being the victim of a crime. Is it wrong to want that? Instead you blamed the victim. Should women not wear short skirts too? Anyone should be able to go for a run anywhere without being robbed.


OcelotControl78 t1_j3hdv14 wrote

That's an extrapolation. Should he get sympathy for being mugged? Sure. Should he get sympathy for it being his excuse to say it caused him to be racist? No. If he wanted sympathy for being mugged he would've left out the part about him being racist & dealt with that part of his character in a much more productive way. He's being manipulative & too many of y'all are falling for it.


ltong1009 t1_j3hf23s wrote

Conversations about racism are hard on social media. I for one admire the OP for being blunt about how the incident made him feel. He described not liking the feeling, so clearly doesn’t want the feeling to escalate. Is talking about that feeling wrong?


DfcukinLite t1_j3h34dc wrote

Nobody feels sorry for racist


ltong1009 t1_j3h423m wrote

Please read up on unconscious bias.


DfcukinLite t1_j3h99ln wrote

Again, nobody feels sorry for racist


ltong1009 t1_j3ha4qo wrote

Got any actual different points to make?


DfcukinLite t1_j3hacz0 wrote

Nope. Still defending racism?


ltong1009 t1_j3hax2h wrote

Sigh. That’s not what I’m doing at all. The world isn’t as black and white as you’d like it to be.


DfcukinLite t1_j3hb3gs wrote

That’s exactly what you’re doing. And this particular situation is black & white. There’s no gray area with racism.


ltong1009 t1_j3hbk0v wrote

Unconscious bias is THE grey area for racism.


DfcukinLite t1_j3hbn0i wrote

It’s not. It’s you defending racism.


ltong1009 t1_j3hdb24 wrote

This is a fun merry go round. I’m getting off here though. Have a good day.


DfcukinLite t1_j3hdkih wrote

Your first mistake was defending racism. Your second mistake was defending it with me. I don’t support that fuckery in any form, you apologist.


ltong1009 t1_j3hfqwl wrote

If you aren’t open to discussion about racism, you won’t make any progress in changing attitudes towards it. Call me whatever names you want, but I’m open to a frank discussion.


DfcukinLite t1_j3hgmbk wrote

It’s not my job to change anyone’s mind on racism. It’s my job to tell them how stupid they are. Generally people with low IQs are racist and I don’t waste my time on stupid people.


ltong1009 t1_j3hhjnm wrote

I’d argue that it’s all of our jobs to fight racism and therefore to have productive discussions on race that lead to less racism in our society. Calling people stupid is counterproductive, even though racism and low IQ are indeed strongly correlated.


DfcukinLite t1_j3hhvhg wrote

Calling people exactly what you they are is very productive to me. People lack self awareness.


ltong1009 t1_j3hjgep wrote

Calling a spade a spade is called for at times. But the OP admitted to racist feelings that he doesnt like having. Telling him he’s stupid doesn’t help him process those feelings. He needs to be told these feelings are understandable given the trauma. But those feelings shouldn’t be directed to a whole group of people. His attackers could have easily been any color or group. They happened to be black because of the whole history of systemic racism. His anger shouldn’t be directed to group of disadvantaged people, but at the system that created this situation he was put in. He should be able to run in any neighborhood without fear.


DfcukinLite t1_j3hk2u9 wrote

They’re not understandable. Stop coddling and pacifying racist


DfcukinLite t1_j3fjj47 wrote

You were probably already racist if this is the straw that broke your back. Sorry this happened to you and everything. I’ve been drugged and robbed in Miami myself, yet I’m not prejudice against Cubans


MotoSlashSix t1_j3i9yup wrote

I mean, the people who robbed you have the same ethnicity as the majority of the people who live in the city where it happened. The people who will help you recover your sense of safety after this are also probably going to be the same ethnicity as the majority of the city where that part happens. That's just a function of math, not race. None of the isms are gonna help with the trauma.

From the perspective of another runner; don't ever run with your wallet. Even before I moved here I used to run in a secluded, wooded and safe area in the midwest and never carried a wallet or phone or earbuds. Honestly, the less you can run with the safer you are -- not just from robbery but from all kinds of randomness. The closest I've ever come to being mortally harmed on a run is when a giant deer running at full speed nearly obliterated me head-on on a trail because I glanced down at my watch instead focusing ahead on my route.


anne_hollydaye t1_j3gwwvv wrote

All I can say is I'm sorry. It sucks. Consider therapy (I know I'll get downvoted but it can HELP with trauma recovery, and this is a form of trauma). I hope you're able to get past it.


Elle5670 t1_j3h005t wrote

Lmaoooo and now you’re a racist? I don’t think this incident was the catalyst for your racism.


nico_de_galloo t1_j3h4fwz wrote

Bruh I’m dead! I thought the same shit! Like a flip of a switch “well I guess I’m racist now”


Elle5670 t1_j3h7wua wrote

Buddy been racist and not just “a little”! which they go on to say in the post they “don’t like” but had no problem making sure we knew their views on people of color have all of a sudden now changed. Like please go ahead somewhere with that 😭


nico_de_galloo t1_j3hpu5r wrote

☠️mans even straight up replied “I have yet to been robbed by a white person lol” to someone. As if he couldn’t even imagine such a thing ever occurring…ye buddy, ya just “became” racist.


pkn92 t1_j3hh33z wrote

Before having children, I used to run in the city, carried nothing except a house key. Fortunately, I was never robbed, I don’t know why you’d have headphones, you want to be aware of the surroundings.


zta1979 t1_j3hs6iv wrote

Sorry that happened


Tps4848 t1_j3hanbd wrote

I lived in Baltimore for years, and just never saw any of this stuff. Idk, maybe it’s how you look or something. I was feeling bad until the racist comments or something. Maybe instead of running, hit the gym or get a gun idk


justin774 t1_j3gr3l7 wrote

I recommend looking into getting a Handgun Qualification License (HQL) and then apply for your wear and carry permit. Now that Maryland is a "shall issue state", you should have no problem getting one, unless you are a felon or something.

I think there is a company that makes jogger pants with a concealed gun pocket, should you continue to run at night.


Typical-Bath1902 t1_j3h3yl9 wrote

That makes sense. One gun against 5? You’re going to get him robbed and killed. I’m also I not understanding why someone would rob a jogger…I would not think they had a wallet on them.


inukaglover666 t1_j3gfk9u wrote

That’s such cop out bullshit that it’s making you racist lmao but if poc verbalize valid issues with white people they are collectively gaslit but people are gonna defend this asshole jus for being assaulted and I think that’s utter bullshit


[deleted] t1_j3g1a4o wrote



inukaglover666 t1_j3gfxuw wrote

Bc of poverty and structural racism that causes the concentration of poverty that leads to crime being a way to make a living when jobs aren’t paying enough, your community is completely disinvested, and education is can thank White flight in the 1950s for the utter lack of investment in Baltimore. The white parts get invested while majority black know...and the city happens to be majority black so...anyone with critical thinking skills knows there’s a link between poverty and crime lmao


umbligado t1_j3gpojc wrote

First of all, that statement isn’t even factually accurate. Actually take a look at the racial demographics of the cities included.

Second of all, looking at cities is pretty arbitrary. If you look at a state level, a plurality (if not majority) of the most violent states actually have relatively low Black population..

Thirdly, in cases where a city is particularly violent AND the racial demographics are “primarily Black”, either by majority or plurality, these cities are often also relatively poor, so the primary analysis is actually more that “poor crowded people tend to experience/cause more crime”, and “Black people are disproportionately poor”, which isn’t really surprising. Sure, there might be other nuanced perspectives there, but these two are the elephants in the room.


[deleted] t1_j3gwsil wrote



umbligado t1_j3hiyer wrote

You are inappropriately mixing too many variables, and at the same time ignoring many of the important ones.


OcelotControl78 t1_j3gppbz wrote

b/c we only look at certain crimes when identifying "dangerous neighborhoods." If we counted other things like domestic violence, child rape, and incest it'd likely equal out across all parts of a city. srsly.