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TopS3cr3t OP t1_j636lhk wrote


  • 2 Scooters
  • Large sections of PVC pipes
  • Name tag key chains
  • Laptop Charger
  • ~40lb of scrap metal
  • One super smelly rug

Thanks again and looking forward to next week!

Edit: I forgot Ali's smelly catch lol


WinkyTheFrog t1_j63aob8 wrote

Honest (maybe ignorant) question: how do you get PVC pipe with a magnet?


TopS3cr3t OP t1_j63i2go wrote

When we pull the magnets in they drag across the floor and sometimes pull other items up with it like PVC, rugs, clothes, etc


uGotMeWrong t1_j642ma2 wrote

A friend drunkenly threw a brand new Cat’s Eye Pub t shirt in the harbor in, I think 2010? Let me know if you find my shirt!


OneFeAut t1_j63vqp2 wrote

Very cool! If you find something like a scooter that belonged to the city or one of those rental places, do you have to notify or give it back to them? Or do you get to keep anything you find as salvage?

Edit: Ah I see in another response you said scooters are reported.

What about if you find a weapon - I assume you have to report that too?


TopS3cr3t OP t1_j63z9ng wrote

Scooters, bikes, furniture, etc fall under abandoned property and technically you can keep them if you want. I've been notifying the scooter companies about the items and they come and get them.

If they're not picked up in a timely manner, /u/bmorecitydot fines them :)

Guns are reported and picked up by the police.


BmoreCityDOT t1_j64539d wrote

That’s right! Every scooter we have to pick up helps fund projects throughout the city 😊


DemonStorms t1_j63ddtf wrote

Do you have magnet fishing tournaments?


Elkram t1_j63ibi7 wrote

Looks a little bit bigger this week


tplayer100 t1_j63otub wrote

A lot better than the last Baltimore reddit picture! Glad everyone had fun!


planetarylaw t1_j63y90a wrote

Seeing your magnet fishing hauls is always the highlight of my day. Btw seeing you guys do this gave me a little inspiration to buy a couple trash grabbers and walk with my family around the neighborhood to pick up roadside trash. Not as cool as magnet fishing obviously but my kids think it's crazy good fun. Cheers.


HosstownRodriguez t1_j63e49n wrote

Where/when is the next one scheduled? Is this a weekly Thursday thing? I’m OOTL for sure


FinKek t1_j63o548 wrote

What do you do with it all?


TopS3cr3t OP t1_j63qhze wrote

Bag the trash if its small, place larger items near the bins, and scooters are reported.


ForeskinScramble t1_j64cwlf wrote

I joined the Baltimore subreddit when I started a job here. My 6-month assignment is almost over, and it has been so wholesome watching this group grow during my time here.


keyjan t1_j641jod wrote

once again, thank you all for getting crap out of the harbor!


josefbud t1_j64ijas wrote

No creepy comments about the women this time, good job /r/baltimore!


selectbar345 t1_j64e1gm wrote

I love that you do this, but it lowkey makes me sad that there is so much crap in the harbor you can do this every week.


Fine-Blacksmith-9330 t1_j649iy7 wrote

How soon before states start to require a magnet fishing license


ParoxysmAttack t1_j66zqnm wrote

How did I miss this?! I want in on the next one!!


LarsThorwald t1_j655n8o wrote

What does one need to bring to this?


TopS3cr3t OP t1_j65y5bc wrote

Magnet, rope, gloves, and a good attitude!