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addctd2badideas t1_j4j1wyj wrote

Self-aggrandizing story time: I discovered Paper Moon by accident in 2002. I was in college and had come up via DC to visit with a woman I met at Nation's goth night. Then I hooked back up with friends nearby and we just drove in a random direction (her house was in a sketchy area and I just wanted to get away) and ended up in Remington. Then I discovered Angelfall Studios (where Charm City Cakes is now) which was home to some amazing musicians and artists I had recently discovered. Then we went to Paper Moon and I had an AMAZING brunch. I remember it so distinctly... a spinach and cheese omelette that just hit the spot. And the place was just all kinds of neat for a 20ish college student from VA. Especially for a theatre nerd and John Waters fan.

There was no planning. I had no idea where I was going. The only time I had been in Baltimore previously was for O's games with my family and a few punk shows for which I didn't drive. If I believed in divine providence, that day, that would be why.

Years later after DC had its way with me, my wife and I moved to Baltimore for work in 2015 and chose Remington because of that random memory. I was so disappointed that Paper Moon had gone downhill. But we spent many a late morning breakfast at The Dizz before it shut down. Sad that PM is still around but haven't recaptured the magic.