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dudical_dude t1_j4ghwvc wrote

Wasn’t it rumored back in the day that their staff was a part of a cult?


socaTsocaTsocaT t1_j4gjtgg wrote

I haven't been there in probably 10 years. Used to always stop there at like 230am when leaving the club


MeanMrBiter t1_j4glce2 wrote

This place grew on me. It’s purposely overpriced to catch tourists and rich JHU students but at least the food is good


danhalka t1_j4gtvyr wrote

> Breakfast is on Remington.

on Cresmont.


mixolydienne t1_j4h5t30 wrote

Haven't been since they stopped being open 24 hours, somehow it only appeals late at night.


Nicktendo t1_j4h7k78 wrote

Overrated. Get equally good breakfast for half the price at Pete's or Kay's Place


OptimusZombiieee t1_j4hb1g0 wrote

Great to take people, who’ve never been, for the wacky atmosphere. However the food isn’t that great, and the prices… yeah.


mmobley412 t1_j4hew42 wrote

I remember when that place opened up and it was terrific and the spot after the bars closed. The place has changed a lot since then


anima173 t1_j4hi0sk wrote

I was probably there the same time you were today


mousemarie94 t1_j4i21pv wrote

The food is meh but always a fun place to pop into


Quad_Douglas t1_j4i6wyp wrote

Wonderful milkshakes, memorable decor, so-so food.


Biomirth t1_j4if39v wrote

The downstairs bathroom was really cool. I too haven't been since 'the change' (whatever the hell happened) more than a single time. Those first years were incredible though. Cheap good food, great staff, and a welcoming atmosphere. Perfect place to have the 2 hour discussion with your friend at 2:30 in the morning.


S-Kunst t1_j4iou5e wrote

I went there this past Summer, after not being in years. Everything was as I remembered, but the food offerings were trying too hard to be up-scale vs diner food, and the prices were too high.

I wish we could have a few diners around, like the old Sip & bite & Wymen Park Deli. But open for dinner and not over priced. I like regular diner food too, so not looking for experimental.

Most of the the stainless eateries, you see today are Faux-diners. The only old style diner I know of is in Overlea.


Spunkylover10 t1_j4iwae2 wrote

I didn’t like the there anything actually good there?


addctd2badideas t1_j4j1wyj wrote

Self-aggrandizing story time: I discovered Paper Moon by accident in 2002. I was in college and had come up via DC to visit with a woman I met at Nation's goth night. Then I hooked back up with friends nearby and we just drove in a random direction (her house was in a sketchy area and I just wanted to get away) and ended up in Remington. Then I discovered Angelfall Studios (where Charm City Cakes is now) which was home to some amazing musicians and artists I had recently discovered. Then we went to Paper Moon and I had an AMAZING brunch. I remember it so distinctly... a spinach and cheese omelette that just hit the spot. And the place was just all kinds of neat for a 20ish college student from VA. Especially for a theatre nerd and John Waters fan.

There was no planning. I had no idea where I was going. The only time I had been in Baltimore previously was for O's games with my family and a few punk shows for which I didn't drive. If I believed in divine providence, that day, that would be why.

Years later after DC had its way with me, my wife and I moved to Baltimore for work in 2015 and chose Remington because of that random memory. I was so disappointed that Paper Moon had gone downhill. But we spent many a late morning breakfast at The Dizz before it shut down. Sad that PM is still around but haven't recaptured the magic.


himynameisroe t1_j4jpz8c wrote

Used to go late at night for cake and lemon sorbet ice tea. They got rid of the scoop-or-sorbet in ice tea around the time they cut the hours back. I think it was around the recession?


mr_banks- t1_j4ku812 wrote

I love coming here, great food with a don't care attitude. Truly an old meets nuskool diner experience. Kids love to look at all the hanging toys and nick nacks..They ask to go at least twice a month.


zeppair93 t1_j4lgxcv wrote

I had my worst date ever here because the guy ordered an omelette and requested 3 meats inside. He drove from Owings Mills for the date so I of course insisted I pay before looking at the check and they charged full price for each meat, each one being about the same price as the omelette itself. It was a $36 omelette! And I was so young and poor. The date was also bad for many other reasons but that wouldn’t be relevant to this thread.

Anyway, I still bring out of town friends and relatives here and they are always dazzled. Great for tourists, not for locals.


missmobtown t1_j4mwhrw wrote

I spent so many post Club Charles nights here eating "hummucide: life on the pita" and their delicious grilled cheese sandwiches. Don't make me calculate how many years ago that was, Reddit.


StinkRod t1_j4o2i4z wrote

There are things that happened at Paper Moon in the wee hours long ago that I'd like to apologize for.

And be apologized to for.


DarkDave_007 t1_j4vltdf wrote

I still go often since 2001...was there this Sunday for brunch...But what is the crack ingredients in that Sausage Gravy in the Sausage and Gravy on Brioch breakfast?...I think about it for days after and its what keeps me coming back. Anyone try it or know what they put in it? so good, sweet, savory etc.


wrongseeds t1_j53hfs9 wrote

I knew the person who did the original decor. His name was Ernie and he managed a thrift store on York Road. I stopped going there years ago because I hated the service and the food wasn’t great. Do miss looking at Ernie’s masterpiece.