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WalshTrivia OP t1_j5ztv7p wrote

Hi guys, thanks for the amazing response!

We ended up having an almost packed house (every table and chair except for 1 x 4-top), and 15 teams total. The game went down to the final questions with very deserving champs, and a couple playing at the bar won the small team prize.

I had 5 or 6 people mention seeing the post on Reddit and the feedback on the game seemed to be very positive. I was a little rusty having not hosted there in so long, but I think people seemed to have a lot of fun.

Finally, we did have 2 people from Reddit show up solo who were hoping to join a team. I was able to pair both of them with a group of regulars from a few years back and they ended up finishing 3rd or 4th I think.
Overall I'd say it was a hit and it was great to be back! If you're a trivia person then definitely consider checking it out any Tuesday.
