Submitted by WalshTrivia t3_10jwl1o in baltimore

Tuesday Night Trivia at Wicked Sisters - Walsh Trivia

Hey guys, so pre-pandemic I had a built up a fairly epic independent weekly trivia night up in Hampden. We had a weekly Tuesday game upstairs at Wicked Sisters on Fall's Road, and just had a fantastic little trivia community.

Not gonna lie, my games are a little tougher than most trivia nights (nothing impossible), but we had a good mix of teams with some competitive, and some playing just for fun. We even did a small team prize for the highest finishing "small" team. Anyhow, everyone got along and we had some really fun times!

Well COVID took it away from me in March of 2020, and that was that..... I got super lucky though as most the people followed me online and helped me start a new online trivia business (which is still going strong today), but it's now time to get back to doing in-person.

With that said, tomorrow (Tuesday, Jan 24th) will be our first game back and we'll have a weekly game moving forward. The space will be open before, but we'll look to start at 7PM and be done between 8:30 & 8:45PM. I know other trivia strive to keep you all night, and I completely understand why, but we have loads of people who rise early and don't need to be there all night. It should just be a fun and fast paced couple of hours.

Anyhow, if any of you like trivia and might want to check it out then we'd LOVE to have you! We have reservations in for about 10 or 11 teams already so potentially space for 4 or 5 more teams. Pre-pandemic everyone would RSVP and then we'd open spots if they were available but it just became a regular thing for most. Hope I can recreate that again in 2023!

Apologies if this is spammy. There definitely used to be a weekly events thread that I couldn't find. If it sounds like it might be something for you though then message or comment with any questions and I'll do my best to follow up. Some of my best regulars found my game through Reddit so I always tried to post here in the past.




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Hamburg48 t1_j5n90ee wrote

Not spam if it’s worth joining in. I’ve heard your games are quite challenging, and Wicked Sisters food has been great the times I’ve been there. Good luck.


Songlore t1_j5na1nl wrote

Cool. I might check it out sometime. In hermit mode at the moment.


poppunksnotdead t1_j5nacrr wrote

always had a good time doing this, glad to see you are coming back around!


Available_Ratio8049 t1_j5ncz2h wrote

Thanks for posting this here! The weekly events thread is impossible to find. Also, glad your trivia is back!


Pretend-Smoke-8942 t1_j5o46lc wrote

We are new to the area and love trivia nights, but we don't know anyone to make a team. How many do you prefer to have on a team? Can two people rsvp and join other teams?


WalshTrivia OP t1_j5obbkq wrote

Hey, thanks for responding. We actually have a small team prize, so even if you wanted to just play as a duo tonight then you could still definitely do that, but I can usually find a team for you to join. That's especially true at the moment as I have been contacted by a few different people looking to form/join a team, and I'm pretty sure we could connect everyone fairly easily. Shoot me a message, or we can talk if you guys make it tonight


bobcat7781 t1_j5omuvg wrote

Do you have a cap on the size of a team?


WalshTrivia OP t1_j5oqfnm wrote

Good question. We try to limit teams to 8 ppl, although if you have one or two more people on a particular night then we'll let it slide. If you'll consistently have more than 8 then we usually recommend that you split into 2 teams. I'll still seat the group at tables near each other but it's better not to have one massive group.


mitchade t1_j5osaii wrote

I played a lot on zoom when lockdowns first started. I highly recommend this to anyone who likes trivia.


monkeyfraggle t1_j5p09za wrote

Team VIP can’t wait to get back to it tonight!


WalshTrivia OP t1_j5p1b2w wrote

Thank you so much! Yes, I got very lucky at the start of the pandemic and had lots of people playing. I still do those games, although it's a lot better now, but I'm excited to get back to doing a few in-person games too. The group we had at Hampden was amazing so I'm hoping to recapture some of that magic.

Thanks for playing during lockdown, and check out either game again any time!


Stargrazer82301 t1_j5pctsr wrote

My friends and I used to go to this every week in the before times, and we're so excited that it's coming back! The questions are challenging, but it's always possible to make a informed guess too, so it's always very satisfying. (We definitely prefer it to another large Baltimore-based bar trivia that I shan't name...)


bobcat7781 t1_j5pn3ud wrote

I asked because the place I used to play at didn't have a limit, as far as I know, but then the bar switched from an independent trivia master to a corporate one who capped teams at six. It also wasn't as fun.


ChrisInBaltimore t1_j5poy3g wrote

You should tell them to bring back the Buffalo Mushroom bites! I’m not going back till they are back!

Oh and the trivia sounds like fun. We are downstairs a few times when you guys were going and it sounded like fun


WalshTrivia OP t1_j5qnc6a wrote

Yeah, for my trivia you're definitely welcome to bring a team of up to 8 ppl, and if it's a couple more occasionally then no worries. I want people to have a great time, and I honestly think that once you get above about 6 people it actually makes it harder to come to a decision on many of the answers, plus there's always at least one person with the dreaded "I said that!"
It needs to be a fun game, and obviously I immediately stomp out something cheating if I see it, but I'm not gonna stop your 2 friends who want to join (and push the team over the limit) on a night. It can still be a great and fair trivia without me being ridiculously rigid on rules. Check it out some time!


JessLevelsUp t1_j5qpin4 wrote

Sounds fun! My rule for trivia is the answers need to be at least mildly interesting, something you’d want to retell to a friend or at least go “neat!”, not just a recount of information. I hate trivia that’s like “who won the World Series in year x” but I would like a trivia question that was more like “who is the only team to win the World Series with a lefty pitcher?” (This is a made up question).


WalshTrivia OP t1_j5ztv7p wrote

Hi guys, thanks for the amazing response!

We ended up having an almost packed house (every table and chair except for 1 x 4-top), and 15 teams total. The game went down to the final questions with very deserving champs, and a couple playing at the bar won the small team prize.

I had 5 or 6 people mention seeing the post on Reddit and the feedback on the game seemed to be very positive. I was a little rusty having not hosted there in so long, but I think people seemed to have a lot of fun.

Finally, we did have 2 people from Reddit show up solo who were hoping to join a team. I was able to pair both of them with a group of regulars from a few years back and they ended up finishing 3rd or 4th I think.
Overall I'd say it was a hit and it was great to be back! If you're a trivia person then definitely consider checking it out any Tuesday.



WalshTrivia OP t1_j5zuigp wrote

Thanks for responding. We had a couple of people show up solo and I was able to pair them up with an existing team. I'd also be more than happy to connect people from Reddit if they get in touch and want to form a team.


WalshTrivia OP t1_j5zuzsn wrote

Couldn't agree more! My aim is for teams to hear a question and think "we know this", "we should know this", or realize "we don't know this but that's interesting". That's the goal anyway. The game on Tuesday seemed to be well received.