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dingbat186 OP t1_j3vy7fu wrote

Yea that's the plan. All state has raised my premium $250/6 months because of 'inflation'. Curious if others have been dealing with similar experiences.


YorickTheCat t1_j3vz5uo wrote

Geico also raised my rates for inflation. I pay about $600/6 months now. I have an excellent driving record but given the high cost of vehicles and medical care I requested high liability limits just in case. People have suggested Erie, but they were more expensive than Geico. Inertia prevailed and I stopped shopping around at the moment.


dolphinandcheese t1_j3w9djz wrote

I have Erie and its great. Mixed with homeowners and 2 vehicles, its great.


jeweynougat t1_j3vzag6 wrote

This was my experience with Geico, who I was very sorry to leave because they dealt with me really fairly after an accident a few years ago. But they went from ~$1200 a year in 2019 gradually up to $1800 a year for 2023 and wouldn't budge when I complained. I'm now with Progressive who took me back to ~$1200.


bookoocash t1_j3z6zwp wrote

What exactly is the $1200 covering? We have two cars and a house and are now paying approximately $2000 a year with Allstate.


Exotic-Row6075 t1_j3wgyej wrote

They said the exact same thing and my premium went up that amount also. I called them and asked why it went up because nothing in my policy has changed in 2.5 yrs and I haven’t got into an accident and all they said was “inflation”. I switched to progressive.