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tEnPoInTs t1_j3wbcj2 wrote

I have Erie for my car and house and umbrella bundled. At the time (2017) it was without question the best rate for me, and I called like 12 providers. I have been happy for like 6 years BUT I recently realized that while my car rates have been pretty static (and very low) my HOI has been raising dramatically over time, far more than the cost of the house. It's harder to notice because it's wrapped up in my mortgage payment which periodically goes up for property taxes anyway, so it took a while to see. Actually it wasnt until I was helping someone figure out their new mortgage that i used mine as an example and was like!?

Now it seems like it's going to be a PITA to switch car + house, because I will have to get the bank involved. Bleh. Good strategy on their part, I realized this months ago and the task of actually switching seems daunting so it's still there.


anne_hollydaye t1_j3wj55n wrote

Oh that's annoying. I'm sorry. Insurance is such a racket, and they know they can charge whatever they want because it's so tied into things.