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z3mcs t1_j3vtky4 wrote

So each time this comes up, the tip is to jump providers to whoever currently has the best rate. No one provider always has the best rate for everyone, and a previous provider that overcharged you in the past may give you the best deal now. There are some smaller providers people usually suggest, but overall, that's the tip.


dcdave3605 t1_j3vwu41 wrote

$150 a month for my wife and I for two cars with liability $300k coverage level and a $1 mill umbrella policy. Cincinnati insurance through a broker agency called Consolidated insurance, Owings mills.

Homeowners is a little expensive, but I like the way the way they write their agreements and the coverage options are extensive.


YorickTheCat t1_j3vz5uo wrote

Geico also raised my rates for inflation. I pay about $600/6 months now. I have an excellent driving record but given the high cost of vehicles and medical care I requested high liability limits just in case. People have suggested Erie, but they were more expensive than Geico. Inertia prevailed and I stopped shopping around at the moment.


jeweynougat t1_j3vzag6 wrote

This was my experience with Geico, who I was very sorry to leave because they dealt with me really fairly after an accident a few years ago. But they went from ~$1200 a year in 2019 gradually up to $1800 a year for 2023 and wouldn't budge when I complained. I'm now with Progressive who took me back to ~$1200.


sxswnxnw t1_j3w6c4b wrote

I was at ~1200 a year for Geico. My rate increased after someone drove into me (everyone agrees I was not at fault) and after I got my new car... Previous car would have been paid off this year. 😕 Geico called it inflation. But I also added coverage because having been in 3 accidents since 2018 that weren't my fault, I felt I had no choice. I have been in 3 major collisions in my adult life, and those are it.

Two times (1 in Louisiana and 1 in MD) someone bumped me at low speed at a red light/stop sign, and no claims were necessary. I drive very cautiously and very low mileage.

Currently ~1700 a year. So yes that's 250 per 6 months. Will definitely be shopping around soon.


anne_hollydaye t1_j3w9g9l wrote

I was a Geico customer since 1997. They increased my rate by $400 every 6 months and couldn't give a reason why.

I jumped to my husband's insurance - Erie - and am satisfied with that change.


bmorehalfazn t1_j3w9wjm wrote

$686/6 mo via USAA for a newer Lexus - it’s higher than some other folks even with a clean/excellent driving record for two drivers, but has high coverage for pretty much everything. I won’t go with another company even for a lower price because I’ve had an amazing customer service experience across the board with them across several of their product lines!

Plus, Gronk is a spokesperson and he’s lovable and dumb


tEnPoInTs t1_j3wbcj2 wrote

I have Erie for my car and house and umbrella bundled. At the time (2017) it was without question the best rate for me, and I called like 12 providers. I have been happy for like 6 years BUT I recently realized that while my car rates have been pretty static (and very low) my HOI has been raising dramatically over time, far more than the cost of the house. It's harder to notice because it's wrapped up in my mortgage payment which periodically goes up for property taxes anyway, so it took a while to see. Actually it wasnt until I was helping someone figure out their new mortgage that i used mine as an example and was like!?

Now it seems like it's going to be a PITA to switch car + house, because I will have to get the bank involved. Bleh. Good strategy on their part, I realized this months ago and the task of actually switching seems daunting so it's still there.


Exotic-Row6075 t1_j3wgyej wrote

They said the exact same thing and my premium went up that amount also. I called them and asked why it went up because nothing in my policy has changed in 2.5 yrs and I haven’t got into an accident and all they said was “inflation”. I switched to progressive.


Thatdewd57 t1_j3xl0ev wrote

Insurance is hard to compare. Each companies have these robust and vast quantities of underwriting data that take so many factors into account. On top of that they’ve collected this data for decades and all that determines the rate.


POGTFO t1_j3xug1t wrote

Just swapped from Progressive (~$650/6 months - discount for paying up front) to State Farm (~$700/6 months). I have no claims or tickets on my record. Auto insurance is definitely sticker shock for anyone moving here from out of state.


MrRich1972 t1_j3ygaml wrote

220 with Geico. Homeowners included too.


S-Kunst t1_j3yh3f4 wrote

For decades the insurance industry said City residents pay more because they have more accidents. Current stats indicate that the city is on par or nearly so with MoCo, and some other counties, with PG county being higher. Yet we still pay the most.


[deleted] t1_j3yyoov wrote

$200something with Geico.

It's rising but I'm not jumping. The last 2 times I did, I didn't get the service I do with Geico.

Geico takes care of any and all issues. Progressive and state farm act shifty.


sxswnxnw t1_j3zd1zm wrote

I was a SF customer for maybe 9 or 10 years, and yes: they are expensive and act shifty whenever you actually need to use your insurance. They tried to drop me for no reason, had to get the state involved at which point they said "oh it was just an error."


TheBaltimoron t1_j407ccf wrote

Every time I've comparison shopped GEICO is startlingly cheaper than everyone else.