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PoopIsAlwaysSunny t1_j6kd6ew wrote

This seems like super insufficient warning, notification, and time for dispute.

Also, can anyone else exactly what they’re closing? Cause that pic is super unclear. And both alleys connected to Hakesley Place are drivable (unless changed in the past few years)

Is it that vague blur at the top of the map? Why is the map centered on Hakesley Place?

If it’s already undrivable, what are they doing to close it off? What’s the point of putting money into closing it off if vehicles already don’t fit?


BmoreCityDOT OP t1_j6kgnfv wrote

>This seems like super insufficient warning, notification, and time for dispute.

Residents are given 7 days from the receipt of the postcard that will be mailed to each neighboring property.

>Also, can anyone else exactly what they’re closing?

As stated, the alley between N Bond St & N Broadway. The alley is unnamed.


>both alleys connected to Hakesley Place are drivable (unless changed in the past few years)

This is incorrect, the north part of the alley is too narrow for vehicular passage.


>Is it that vague blur at the top of the map?

No. As stated in the text, it is the red and white striped area of the alley.


>Why is the map centered on Hakesley Place?

Because that is the area most residents are familiar with. We centered the map on recognizable landmarks, as the alley itself is unnamed.


>If it’s already undrivable, what are they doing to close it off?

We will be complete blocking access to East Preston St.


>What’s the point of putting money into closing it off if vehicles already don’t fit?

Because vehicles keep trying, and damaging the building. The property owner already installed a bollard to prevent further damage, which makes the alley even narrower.


bookoocash t1_j6lklzn wrote

We have a bollard installed near our house too for this exact reason. We’ve still had cars knock stuff off our house and what not. Is there a minimum width an alley needs to be for vehicle travel?


BmoreCityDOT OP t1_j6n5s7k wrote

There is! Fill out a 311 request on the app, using the Traffic Calming section. Enter in as much detail as you can.


z3mcs t1_j6ke9fl wrote

>Cause that pic is super unclear.

Looks pretty clear on desktop. I'm guessing you're on mobile. The map has a legend that says "Alley Closure" and then a red&white striped demarcation next to it. On the map you see that same red&white striped demarcation where the alley will be closed.


rohdawg t1_j6kqu1j wrote

It's pretty clear on mobile too