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Expendable_Red_Shirt t1_j41dq85 wrote

I think your criteria for super easy is absurd.

I think the fact that some ridiculous evictions are thrown out isn’t evidence of a broken system. But the fact that even a thrown out eviction attempt can black mark you is.

A lot of evictions could be avoided if land lords were decent people.

You may want to watch the video I linked for more information about the incredibly one sided system that exists in this country.


[deleted] t1_j41fe0q wrote

I think your use of superlatives is absurd.

You are using assumptions. Instead of me watching a video. Why not go down to 501 E Fayette Court at either 830am or 1pm and watch the proceedings.

It's free. You can even bring your phone in.

Generally when a case us thrown, it's cuz the landlord forgot to bring a piece if paper.


Expendable_Red_Shirt t1_j41fqoo wrote

Yeah that’s free (aside from taking off work) unlike YouTube videos which famously cost money. It’s journalism friend. It’s more valuable than anecdotal accounts.

So a case is thrown because the landlord was negligent? I’m ok with that. If you’re kicking someone out of their house the least you can do is be prepared.

But thanks for admitting cases generally aren’t thrown because they lack merit. Those cases go through.


[deleted] t1_j41gdz3 wrote

Money? Ah yea the cost if a phone.

I admit nothing. I did not admit to anything. If you think I did, that is your incorrect assumptions.

>aside from taking off work

Not sure what the point of this is.

A video can be manipulated to any direction. A in person viewing of a real docket cannot be.

So for the average person who really wants an unvarnished view, go to the district court.

And really. Talk to the tenants and talk to the landlords. Ask them what brought them there.

But you won't cuz it's easier not too.


Expendable_Red_Shirt t1_j41hbhv wrote

Yeah fuck journalism. People can’t manipulate you (apparently) but journalists? That’s all they do. It’s not some random YouTuber.

You won’t watch the video. It conflicts with your narrative. But no I’m not going to lose money taking off of work to get anecdotal data. Thanks.


[deleted] t1_j41i39d wrote

>Yeah fuck journalism.

Ah. You be reaching a lot dude. Like. A lot.

>It’s not some random YouTuber.

All of them are. All youtubers are random was people except the celebs.

>You won’t watch the video

I didn't say that. I probably will later today. I watched a lot of videos anti eviction, and about homelessness. I expect you won't believe me bit I'm versed in the homelessness problem. Not personally thank God but I'm more than aware of it.

>But no I’m not going to lose money taking off of work to get anecdotal data


Lol. The irony is so fucking funny. More so that it probably escapes you.

You want to throw some random video as proof and I'm telling you to go see it live but.....yea


Oooh Reddit, how I love you.


Expendable_Red_Shirt t1_j41jop6 wrote

Some random video? Ok. You could watch it on HBOMax if the platform is what’s bothering you. But it’s legit news. Not some rando.

Have you not been on YouTube?


[deleted] t1_j41kkr0 wrote

Dude. Is this your video? If that why you are fixated?

Liiiike. Who hasn't been on YouTube? Like what kind of question is that?

YouTube is the 2nd largest database in the world. Proceeded by what? Google. Who owns who? YouTube.

What you're asking me to do is watch Emily D. Baker talk about the Depp trial when I could have gone to see it in person.

Not sure at this point why you aren't seeing the correlation.

If you can't afford to take the time off work, ok.

Fair enough.

But don't harangue me about evictions when I've been in District Courts.

It's weird and shows your lack of insight or avarice if you just want clicks on your video.

Aight. I'll watch it some time today. With an open mind too.


Expendable_Red_Shirt t1_j41lybj wrote

Yes it’s my video. I’m John Oliver. You got me.

No what I’m asking you to do is watch something by people who actually researched it and have more than an anecdotal view.