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EfficiencySuch6361 t1_j41m27c wrote

Or maybe u are both missing the point that wasting $10,000 on a realtor before making back renovation costs vs waiting 1-2 years for bad policy to be fixed isn’t as cut and dry as these ppl who clearly have zero landlord experience seem to think


Otto_Von_Bisquick t1_j41nbek wrote

Yes, on the individual level people will make that choice.. When you look at the market at large, which is either growing or shrinking, there is no pause.

The entire market doesn't go on hold because the people you know are on pause. The larger market influences people at decision points of where to deploy capital.

Your friends have deployed capital and are willing to take a short term loss for a long term gain. (Likely forgoing gains already incurred). Some individuals are choosing different areas of the market to invest in. Some individuals are getting out of the market entirely.

Again you are having trouble separating personal experience from market forces.


EfficiencySuch6361 t1_j41tn6l wrote

A larger entity would have even greater tolerance for such circumstances. U continue to fail to understand that there are more options than just selling secondary properties when times get tough