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Mindless-Average2275 t1_j9fbcwp wrote

Every once in a while, a cheesy romance novel (or series) becomes popular. This time it's Colleen Hoover. In the past, it was the 50 shades of Grey, Twilight series, etc.

Not every book is a masterpiece, but it's still popular because it hits the right spot for the people who like reading these books. Not everyone wants to read classics or deep narratives. I'd say that the main reason why people like this book is because it's a form of escapism from their mundane life. There's something appealing in witnessing a fantasy relationship that is either personally satisfying or deals with other people's problems. It's like watching a soap opera. The dialogue is terrible, but you really want to know what happens next because you're emotionally invested in the characters.

It's like any other movie that makes a lot of money but gets a low score from the critics.


BobDope t1_j9f8vns wrote

I feel like she’s widely regarded as one of the worst writers


ColaEuphoria t1_j9fb8qz wrote

Someone on TikTok bought a huge pile of books and set them on their living room floor to show off how well-read they are. There were tons of duplicates scattered around and a ton of Colleen Hoover books. There was Cursed Child but nothing else in that series. It was obvious they just went out and bought them en masse without thought for the video.

I just remember one of the funniest comments being "all those books and not a single book."


DungeonMaster24 t1_j9f7cgz wrote

My wife describes her books as "Lifetime movies with a little more smut."


greenhouse5 t1_j9f9os6 wrote

If you check the search bar in this sub you will see her discussed constantly.


Raemle t1_j9ff717 wrote

I’ve read 4, so I think I’m allowed to have an opinion. Writing is overall pretty bad, very cliche and if you enjoy fancy prose this is not it. They are very quick and easy to read tho.

It ends with us is imo her worst book, verity had a lot of abelist aspects which makes me too uncomfortable to properly recommend it (tho I did enjoy it before that part solely based on how absurd the romance is). Her latest book reminders of him was ok but nothing special, if you’re gonna read one I would probably suggest this one

Overall I would probably recommend just reading other better books with similar themes unless you want to read colleen hoover for the sake of it. Which if so go for it I guess


tabs_jt t1_j9f9of1 wrote

I never read one but i heard that they are very simple written so you can easily get into them but if you read a lot they can be very boring.

Also they was a controversy about her because of a coloring book from one of her books about a abusive relationship i think.


Budge1025 t1_j9favyg wrote

I've read three of her books. They're quick reads, good for a palette cleanser, imo. But they're not great books. It Ends With Us and Verity are so monumentally overhyped.

I think she is most beloved by people who read infrequently and want something easily digestible, which is totally valid for that demographic, but if you are well-read you know there's way better versions of her "type" out there.


Budsey t1_j9fd8h0 wrote

I only sell them in my store because they sell well. I’ve read a couple and I wish I could get that time back.


trishyco t1_j9fg61z wrote

The short answer is: they are very angsty books with a lot of drama (domestic violence, death, missing kids, dead kids, assorted trauma) and people really like to go through all these feelings plus have a happy romantic ending.

It wasn’t my thing but it seems to get people into reading so that’s something I guess.


Previous_Injury_8664 t1_j9fprmx wrote

Another author who does trauma like crazy but with better prose and without all the smut is Kristin Hannah, in case anyone is looking.


Fun-Beginning-42 t1_j9fejb9 wrote

I like to listen to books but the narrator drives me nuts. I wish they selected them better.


badbitchfunkywitch t1_j9fh6q0 wrote

I read a few of her books (okay, maybe more than a few) while laid up with an injury last year. To me, they’re like the literary equivalent of a bag of potato chips— they’re a place to start and can hit the spot, but they’re mostly air and eventually, you’ll need something a little more nutritious.


Rubberbandballgirl t1_j9fnk3j wrote

I’ve never read any of her stuff but the way people talk about them makes them sound like Danielle Steel.


ProfShhhhh t1_j9ftvb6 wrote

Look, I'm doing this thing where I'm trying not to talk badly about anyone else's creative outlet, so I'll just say I prefer writers with a grasp of the situations they're writing about.


DafnissM t1_j9fjq87 wrote

Haven’t read her and probably never will because her genre isn’t my thing, but I’ve been on Booktube for a long time and a few years ago everyone loved her so I find it kinda weird that now that she’s gaining popularity they say her books are awful.


Wrong_Concept_4110 t1_j9fjz3z wrote

I thought I was the only one that thought she was overrated. I refused to read her books because the whole of my interest feed, Instagram, and even text messages from friends was to read her books. I didn't read it.

just a week ago my cousin visited me and gave me It Ends With Us and borrowed a few books of mine. I really didn't have anything to read at the moment so I tried reading it and it was good. I liked it so much. I guess it's because this book might have been a breather for me as I've been reading thrillers for the past few months.

I see a lot of hate comments to her book, particularly It Ends With Us, but hey, everyone has their preferences and likes.

I will be reading its sequel, It Starts With Us, but I won't be reading her other books coz I still think she's overrated. People read her books only because it's booktok famous and not because they actually want to read, that ticks me off.


ckoocos t1_j9i78k9 wrote

She's a romance writer who has great appeal among women of all ages. Her books are not fun to read though because every one of those have a tragic backstory, making the stories emotional.

I used to read and collect her books, but I've already outgrown my CoHo phase.

Why are her books popular? Simple. Romance sells.


CrazyCatLady108 t1_j9fzrf8 wrote

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