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ForeverFrolicking t1_j9p2eor wrote

I was thinking about this the other night when I caught the tail end of some sitcom my friend was watching. The mannerisms were just so exaggerated that it was hard to watch. Then I remembered it was a show about a girl who talks to dead people and I got off my high horse.

I've definitely encountered this in books as well, but unless it's wholly unbelievable I just chock it up to that's how people talk in their universe. Ive yet to read anything that can accurately describe how two people who are close to each other can communicate through body language and inside jokes. I know ive had whole conversations with my best bud where hardly a word is spoken. I also know ive had nonsensical exchanges with a girlfriend that no one but us could understand because its a mix of inside jokes and reference quotes.

I haven't read much of Stephen king's newest stuff so maybe he has gone downhill, I couldn't say. I just know for myself when reading fiction, that a level of acceptance for the suspension of reality is necessary even if it takes place in the world as I know it.