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rwzla t1_j7q7qjr wrote

I like my books with some character. The wear and tear from reading, transporting in and out of bag/car/etc. As long as it is still readable, I'm fine with it.


[deleted] OP t1_j7rx3a6 wrote



postmodernmermaid t1_j7rze7v wrote

I guess it’s just the difference between having the desire to display them and not caring about that. I am also a person who likes worn books - I believe rehoming used books is a more environmentally friendly choice and I also don’t care if they’re pretty and perfect when I put them on the shelf. I don’t mind if they look like I’ve actually spent some time with them - I feel that is the point. I respect that some people want them to look pretty but I think that’s kind of silly personally. I do understand wanting the experience of the book looking new if you are buying it new because you like it that way. There is something pleasing about a brand new book. I just personally wouldn’t bother much about keeping it that way. But no disrespect to you and your personal preferences.

Edit - ALSO when I get a secondhand worn book it is cool to imagine the people who have spent time with the book. For that reason I also enjoy other people’s marginal notes and various markings as long as it isn’t overboard.


Cultural_Election118 t1_j7vvqx1 wrote

I display my worn books. I love buy a new pristine book but I’ve never been too bothered with keeping it that way.


deejrocks83 t1_j7sq368 wrote

Haha, while you have a point, used books just feel more homey to me though I see worn and damaged as two different things… I don’t want coffee stains or torn pages or anything. Maybe part of it is that I grew up going to the library a lot and very few of those books are in perfect condition though they aren’t damaged by my measure. Also, I don’t think of my books as a collection, more like mementos, which often aren’t perfect.

While I enjoy a new car, it doesn’t feel like it’s mine until I’ve worn it in a bit… and I’m definitely not “precious” with my car, shoes, or many other things that some people consider collectibles.


Biotic_Factor t1_j7v3kzq wrote

When I see someone's bookshelf full of completely new books in perfect condition it paints a picture of someone who doesn't actually read their books. Well used for me = well loved. Also I just don't like buying new books in general, I prefer buying used. I also don't like keeping my books past when I've read them. I donate them.


[deleted] OP t1_j7sobq5 wrote

I feel this way about sneakers and think people who don’t feel that way about sneakers are fucking losers lol