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rudebish t1_j9f83gf wrote

All the light is so beautifully written it fucking hurts..... I have never said that about any book before and I've been consistently reading for over 35 years. I'm not one to fawn over beautiful prose and all that but goddamn, that was an incredible book. I read The Nightingale right after and holy shit, two incredible books back to back it was almost as good as sex. Those two books gave me massive book hangover for months. Ever had that? when you read a book/books so good that everything else after it enrages you because it's no where near as good and you scream THIS FUCKING SUCKS at everything else? Just me? alrighty, then.....

I reco'd all the light to one of my friends AND SHE CALLED IN SICK AT WORK AND FINISHED IT IN ONE DAY lol.


[deleted] OP t1_j9f8jbo wrote

WOAHHH imma need to read it soon then . Maybe my taste isnt very developed haha I'm only 18. But I've been hearing this alot about that book so I definitely plan on reading it once in my life. And the fact that ur co worker called in sick to finish it. I love that .