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CC-5576-03 t1_ja7xvta wrote

I've also been burned by those series, but if an author has a good consistent release schedule I do still start unfinished series, example would be the expanse that I started before book 8 had been released, but the authors had a consistent 1-2 year release schedule


WyrdHarper t1_ja8nanv wrote

Despite it feeling like a slog while waiting at the time Robert Jordan’s release schedule was also pretty consistent with the Wheel of Time (until the last book—that became several eventually—where he really wanted it to be in one volume “even if you had to carry it in a wheelbarrow”) until he, uh, died.

There’s quite a few authors I trust with new series, and I’ve pulled the trigger on new authors a few times and usually have not been burned. For many authors who make it to publication they are really motivated to keep the dream going.