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Goseki1 t1_ja82iz5 wrote

I started reading the Storm light Archive becuase I'd read someone say it was a complete trilogy. I didn't look further into it for fear of spoilers. And then came to discover it's not a trilogy, it's just that 3 books are out, one is due next year and he has 6 (!) more planned. And each of them is 1200 pages long. As much as I've loved it so far I doubt I'd have started it if I didn't know it wasn't complete. I'll likely have forgotten a lot of the story by the time the series progresses over the next 5 years and I don't really have the time to reread 1200 page long books.

I would really like to read ASOIAF but fuck doing that until it's finished.


mist3rdragon t1_ja8i6rd wrote

You sure the person you're you read saying Stormlight was a complete trilogy wasn't talking about Mistborn?

And I wouldn't worry about the progression of Stormlight as a series because the fifth book that's currently being written is going to be a finale before a time skip anyway.


Goseki1 t1_ja8lalw wrote

I think they were probably confused with Mistborn for sure. I thought for some reason there were only 3 Stormlight books out, but you're right, there are 4 with the 5th next year.

I'm interested to see where he goes following a time skip etc, but I'll be sad to say goodbye to the current main characters.


Valyrian_Kobolds t1_ja8iihy wrote

Four are out. The next one is the end of era 1 so will be an enclosed story.


Goseki1 t1_ja8ivy0 wrote

Ah my bad, so book 5 next year should sort of finish the current story arc? And then a time skip and the next 5 books will focus on other characters (with some appearances form current characters)?


Valyrian_Kobolds t1_ja8j0gc wrote

Pretty much. That's how Mistborn worked, 300 year time skip and honestly don't really need to read era 1 to get era 2 besides some terminology stuff


Goseki1 t1_ja8k6fv wrote

300 year! Holy fuck. I Dunno how i feel about a shift to focusing on new characters, i like the ones he's set up in the first 2 books I've read so far.


Valyrian_Kobolds t1_ja8otz0 wrote

Everyone's story comes to an end eventually. Heroes pass into legend and shape the lives of future generations who become heroes unto themselves.

Plus with regards to Stormlight. Give Kaladin a break, homie has been through enough. At the end of Mistborn I definitely found myself going "I think they've earned a retirement"