So I recently got a kindle and downloaded 2 fiction books, A Perfect Marriage and Rock Scissors Paper. Mystery, twisty ending sort of stuff.
Different authors.
I finished The Perfect Marriage and started Rock Scissors Paper.
They both have chapters with a person's name at the top, and then the whole chapter is from first person view, with everything that person thinks and does, and then the next chapter has another name and first person view, that person's thoughts, etc.
First one was interesting, but when it happened again, I was wondering is this is some new literary style or something?
I usually read old books, so this was new to me.
I am enjoying the Kindle and reading more, just wondering if all books are now first person chapter by chapter. Lol
Thank you
silverandamericard t1_ja7ay1t wrote
It's not new; it's just something that you happen not to have come across before. It's a relatively commonplace technique, although technically tricky to pull off well, not least because each narrator needs to be interesting enough for the reader to spend time with. But books with multiple narrative viewpoints date back to at least The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins, published in 1859.