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Catsandscotch t1_jab3rl7 wrote

Sarah J Maas. Her books are so hated here but I think they’re fun


Mundane_Walk_9230 t1_jabymp2 wrote

Binge-read the ACOTAR series and yes SJM books have MAJOR flaws, but they're fun and I can still enjoy them. Currently reading Crescent City haha


lizifer93 t1_jadf0uy wrote

When I was 15 I would've lived for those books. I read much worse faerie fantasy trash back then.

I read them last year (a crusty dusty 29 now) and they're honestly entertaining. I'm not asking for YA romance to be filled with depth and meaning, I want a bunch of drama and action with an interesting world and premise.


TemperatureRough7277 t1_jabh93r wrote

Same here! I don't care if it makes me insufferable, sometimes I just want to read about hot faeries.


tabs_jt t1_jacb9qf wrote

I loved ACOTAR. At the moment i read ToG and i know it has many flaws but its so good


Katie_Rea t1_jaf3iy8 wrote

Yes! I fully acknowledge that her books leave a lot to be desired plot-wise (especially ACOTAR), but they’re still enjoyable imo


Superb_Tiger_8376 t1_jabyyrh wrote

Her books are not hated. Many people love them. Just because some snobs on the internet hate it and dudbros who do not want any romance in their fantasy stories but call a guy aka Rotfuss the second coming of Tolkien for writing a thirty page fairy smut fanfiction does not mean they are bad.

Says someone who did not even enjoy the only book I read from her, but for sure there must be something in the books that makes people like them.
