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fallllingman t1_ja1lbj0 wrote

Could you remind me of what it was? I read it maybe a year or two ago and I can’t remember it. I loved the chapter on his affair with Lou and the literary tirade in chapter 2.


dllh t1_ja1ohn4 wrote

It was the "Uncle Balt and the Nature of Being" section roughly 1/5 of the way in (around page 117 of my 600+ page edition). It may not be the best of all time, but it sure hit me right when I first read it.


fallllingman t1_ja1ovyx wrote

I loved the descriptions of childhood in small town America (and how the familiar setting creates a sort of uniquely American evil). What I remember most, I think from that section, is his description of driving with his father, which is word-for-word what I experienced.