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lucia-pacciola t1_j95xtl1 wrote

It sucks that Google forced them to remove the store integration, so you have to go to your browser, pull up your Amazon account, find the book you want, buy it there, then go back to Kindle to read it.

But I can live with that.

What's really pissing me off right now, not about the app, but about Amazon, is that their store doesn't keep track of what book samples I've downloaded.

When I just read the sample and want the book, I fully expect that book to be the top suggestion the moment I land on the Kindle store page at the Amazon website. But it isn't.


DioLeva OP t1_j95yohk wrote

Ye I had the same issue where I can't buy inside the App. tI changed again and I really don't know why. So now you can purchase in the App again. I live in Germany, maybe that's the reason 🤔