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GreenerWTheScenery t1_j9yclvi wrote

I wanted to like this book so badly, but I just couldn't.

  • The incredibly descriptive child abuse scenes
  • The horrible character names
  • The massive plot holes
  • The fact that there is no way a mother wrote those scenes about her own kids and found it "therapeutic"
  • The long scenes about things that never end up being relevant to the story (as you pointed out)

I was just so disappointed at the end of it. It felt like the only scenes that had any thought put into them were the sex scenes.

Also, I couldn't help but notice that the voice of Verity in her manuscript and her phrases were super similar to the speaking style of Lowen. Like... every person's personality and mannerisms felt the same.


4oddchickens t1_j9ypnxm wrote

THE NAMES. I thought I was reading about some kind of Texas beauty pageant.


0629847 t1_j9zvhth wrote

I swear Colleen Hoover comes up with the dumbest ways to spell character names I’ve ever read. Some of my least favourites include: Layken, Chastin, Allysa, and Seven. She also named her main character in It Ends with Us “Lily Bloom” which is so cringey to me.


heauxzier t1_ja007kb wrote

Lily BLOSSOM Bloom, to make it even worse


National_Sky_9120 t1_ja0ism0 wrote

Please be serious


thebluehydrangea77 t1_ja0wfw1 wrote

wait until you hear about her daughter Emerson DORY Kincaid


National_Sky_9120 t1_ja0zk95 wrote

Okay but Emerson is a cute name, ngl


thebluehydrangea77 t1_ja2bw2y wrote

yes but she was named after Ryle's brother who he >!accidentally killed and now becomes abusive after the trauma!<, or at least that's how CH framed it in the book


thebluehydrangea77 t1_ja0ch9u wrote

how dare you forget about our beloved RYLE KINCAID?

Jesus Christ even my spell check marked both of his names in red *eyerolling*


4oddchickens t1_j9zzh8i wrote

You're making me regret downloading the It Ends with Us audiobook...


hasimple OP t1_j9yxnal wrote

YES the child abuse was just a big wow i stg i could not remember the fmcs name to save my life


thebluehydrangea77 t1_ja0c36l wrote

> Also, I couldn't help but notice that the voice of Verity in her manuscript and her phrases were super similar to the speaking style of Lowen. Like... every person's personality and mannerisms felt the same.

that's been a longstanding problem of CH. she just can't write different characters. if you have read the It Ends With Us duo, you'd probably agree with me that the letter of a 30-something Atlas sounds exactly the same as the diaries of the 16yo Lily, not to mention they talk the same too.


katsukibakughoe t1_j9zlxbv wrote

It would be so funny if the part about their mannerism was somehow connected?