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apocalypschild OP t1_j9rsfa0 wrote

Most dystopia if not all is in the realm of sci-fi. I found it as recommendation when looking for sci-fi books so, idk. Someone must’ve thought it was sci-fi. I do see in what I’ve read how it definitely aligns with some fantasy tropes though.


SpiderSmoothie t1_j9s08kn wrote

Yeah I've seen and harm many people refer to it as sci-fi. I guess I need to finish the series and revisit my assessment.

In regards to your original question, I'm one of those people that if I'm half way in and I don't like it I'll either put it down for a long while and revisit when I'm in a different headspace and can come back to it with fresh eyes, or I'll completely dnf it. I really like this book and I see why it's so well loved, but I can also understand why it would be difficult for some to get into. You know yourself and your reading habits and interests better than anyone. Is this a book you think you might be able to get into later or is it something you think you'll have to force yourself through? If it's the latter, just dnf it. Life is too short to waste time reading things you don't like if you don't have to and there are so many other books out there that you'll enjoy more if this one isn't doing it for you.