Submitted by apocalypschild t3_11a30sv in books

EDIT: Second Person Narrative (you)

Am I missing out on a great story here? I tried really hard to follow this book but simply couldn’t get through it. Part of it was the Second person narrative it leans on. I know a book like this needs to do a lot of the heavy lifting of world building and I gave it leeway but I barely made it to the half way point and simply gave up because it felt like a chore I was forcing myself to do rather than the enjoyment/escapism I love about a good book.



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CarcosaJuggalo t1_j9pgumv wrote

The first person bits threw me off, too, but I pushed through and actually found it decent enough to read the rest of the trilogy.

The first person perspective does ultimately end up being there for a reason, and is involved in a brilliant twist in the first book (and, if I'm remembering right, A sorta ok twist in the third).


AtraMikaDelia t1_j9ph0qi wrote

If you love most of the other relatively recent books this subreddit likes, you'll probably like it.

I know I hated it, it's basically just a worse version of Shinsekai Yori as far as I'm concerned, but I hate most things this sub loves, especially the newer ones.


ADHD-HDTV t1_j9pjwvk wrote

I’d just like to state that I think you’re talking about the SECOND PERSON narrative. The “You” did this “You” did that? Correct? That’s second person. First person is “I” did this, “I” do that.

Not a spoiler but — I will say that if you read a bit more of the book, you’ll understand why Essun is speaking this way as she’s quite a broken and shattered character who is dealing with trauma — ie. She’s not fully present in the events going on in her life that take place at the start of the book.

I’ll also say that there’s an even deeper reasoning as to this you find out later in the book with a twist or two. But if you’re not enjoy it it — it’s totally understandable!


apocalypschild OP t1_j9pljvg wrote

You’re so very correct. Second person.

As for what you say about story: that makes some sort of sense. Using the second person narrative that makes me uncomfortable puts me in her shoes literally. It’s a great story device. Still, just couldn’t muster the interest in the book.


ADHD-HDTV t1_j9pm4x7 wrote

That’s totally the point! I personally loved the series and as a big sci-do/fantasy reader, it’s a must read in the genre for me because the topics and science NK Jemisin brings to the table and extremely well done and strong.

And hey not every book is for everybody no shame!


canadanimal t1_j9q5cim wrote

I tried and failed to read this book twice before getting through it. I agree it is a slow start and the different narrations are frustrating. I will say the second half picks up and overall I ended up liking the book a lot.


Ineffable7980x t1_j9qev0r wrote

Sorry you didn't like it, but I think this book is a masterpiece. Second person narration is a device, and it used for a clear purpose here, but you won't know that until the end of the book.


Standard-Counter-422 t1_j9qfzus wrote

It's personally my favourite series, and I remember being a bit weirded out my the narration style at first. Might I recommend leaning into it all the way by listening to the audiobook? They're really well done, the narrator was what brought me to the series in the first place. Smart vibe as a guided meditation, but much darker lol.


Amesaskew t1_j9qj3fm wrote

I had some trouble with the second person narrative and ended up switching to audiobooks. Having the books read to me by someone using "you" rather than reading it myself in my head made it so much easier to follow and fall into the story. Mileage differs of course, but I'm so glad I did. It's a beautiful, heartbreaking story


Coubert-Morningstar t1_j9qmuec wrote

I do not really like N.K.Jensin as a person and many of her opinions are making me wanna throw up. That said, the broken earth trilogy is an absolutely great trilogy and while the second Person Narrative is unusual it is not a self purpose tool and everything comes together. If I were you I would definitely give it another shot because it is one of the best stories I ever read. So yeah, your are MISSING OUT.


thriveth t1_j9qu8l3 wrote

Agree. Also want to echo the part about the pay-off coming much later. Yeah, the second person narrative is weird and distracting to begin with, but there's a point to it, it's not just the author trying to be edgy.


NascantNeptune t1_j9qvovj wrote

I would press on! It is well worth it! Incredible book.


Minter_moon t1_j9r5t9x wrote

I read the first two books and I haven't gotten around to the third. The second person narrative was something I never got used to either. I kinda lost interest in the story along the way too. Meh.


ManufacturerNo1191 t1_j9r6084 wrote

Hi, i think that the use given by the author is particularly necessary for the structure of this book to truly work…the payoff at the end makes it worth it! I was thrown off at first too since it is quite unusual to see second person narrative, however I think you get used to it as you go along. I’d press on, if you find the story engaging! Might not be worth it if you just find it boring, could be it’s just not your cup of tea. I hope you enjoy it if you do end up reading on!


CallynDS t1_j9rb6qv wrote

She's really into calling racists racist, even when they protest. And she's not subtle when she does so. Other than that, I haven't heard anything objectionable.


SpiderSmoothie t1_j9rrepm wrote

I actually have been wondering what exactly puts this one into sci-fi territory. I've read almost all of the first book. I've only got a few pages left and I already know all the big plot things being alluded to in the comment section here. I personally absolutely love it. But it feels more fantasy or a little dystopian to me personally. I just don't get where the sci-fi part comes into play.


apocalypschild OP t1_j9rsfa0 wrote

Most dystopia if not all is in the realm of sci-fi. I found it as recommendation when looking for sci-fi books so, idk. Someone must’ve thought it was sci-fi. I do see in what I’ve read how it definitely aligns with some fantasy tropes though.


SpiderSmoothie t1_j9s08kn wrote

Yeah I've seen and harm many people refer to it as sci-fi. I guess I need to finish the series and revisit my assessment.

In regards to your original question, I'm one of those people that if I'm half way in and I don't like it I'll either put it down for a long while and revisit when I'm in a different headspace and can come back to it with fresh eyes, or I'll completely dnf it. I really like this book and I see why it's so well loved, but I can also understand why it would be difficult for some to get into. You know yourself and your reading habits and interests better than anyone. Is this a book you think you might be able to get into later or is it something you think you'll have to force yourself through? If it's the latter, just dnf it. Life is too short to waste time reading things you don't like if you don't have to and there are so many other books out there that you'll enjoy more if this one isn't doing it for you.


TheHip41 t1_j9s3owr wrote

It's good. Pick it back up


wrenwood2018 t1_j9s67az wrote

I liked the series but it is overhyped. The first book is strong, second meandering, the third didn't stick the landing. Zero chance it deserved three Hugo's other than she was the it girl of the moment. If you aren't loving it cut your losses and walk away.


KayakerMel t1_j9sabn6 wrote

It's so good! It does resolve and make sense to a really great effect.

I actually enjoyed the shifts in narrative voice. It gives us a mystery to piece together as readers.


KayakerMel t1_j9sapxy wrote

It's fantasy with a sci-fi bent. There is a big component of tech and how nature works in this world that is in the sci-fi realm. There's a lot of scientific aspects in the world building.


Accomplished_Web1549 t1_j9szf1o wrote

Halfway isn't bad, don't think I made it even a quarter the way through this, and it isn't that long. I thought from the hype this was going to be something special, but never got pulled into the story and the prose wasn't good enough to keep the pages turning, quite a rare DNF for me. I don't think the second person narrative was the problem, it can work in the right context.


wrenwood2018 t1_j9tizbg wrote

"If it happened " Do a search and it will come up. She has also been incredibly nasty on multiple occasions towards others in the field based upon their race and sex. Most notorious GRR Martin when he did a bad job hosting awards. She constantly acts with a chip on her shoulder.


Username_of_Chaos t1_j9tmwnm wrote

We just read it in r/bookclub and a lot of people felt the same way, but it seemed like most everyone stuck with it, ended up enjoying it, and understood the choice to use second-person narration once we reached the end.